Wednesday, March 30, 2011
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When taking the issue of comics most people think of superheroes with supernatural powers to fight the bad-very bad-guys. Which is perhaps inevitable given the widespread popular draft have managed characters like Superman, Batman, Wolverine and company, and all the marketing in recent decades has been mounted around them. But it would be very unfair to just stay there and forget that the world of comics also reaches other historical topics, such as the masterful "Maus" by Art Spiegelman -social -The emotional "wrinkles" in English Paco Roca-or-thriller as the famous and addictive saga "XIII" Vance and Van Hamme. For me, within the latter category, a recent discovery has been fabulous "100 Bullets" .
So far I have only read the first 20 issues of a total of 100, but I've been hooked so that I forced myself to stop for me will last a little longer and to enjoy it and digest it better and more pause. The saga is the work of the US-Argentina pair Azzarello and Risso , and tells the stories, the independent principle but one chapter to more and more connected, different characters who suddenly visited by an unknown and enigmatic individual. This gives them a weapon, one hundred bullets "inscrutable" and a series of documents proving that someone from his past or his environment, they have been betrayed or deceived by some very important consequences in your life.
At the moment I saw that the stories of each character last between one and four chapters, and its textures are more varied and entertaining, always keeping you in suspense to know whether the character in question will decide to take revenge or not, and how and who will, and gradually linking the different stories through a rather mysterious thread.
Hugely recommended for those who already like the genre, or for anyone wanting to comic books, leaving aside some superheroes, and even worthy for those who like them make one think: Someone I ruined his life in the past, now have the opportunity to make your own justice, no one will know your decision ... Do you vengaríais?
Monday, March 28, 2011
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The actor Patrick Dempsey, aka Dr. Derek Shepherd or McDreamy in Grey's Anatomy, will perform in the film The Art Of Racing In The Rain, which will play a racing driver named Denny Swift.
The latest action film Dempsey was in 2008 in the romantic comedy Made Of Honor, but this year the actor will be a little busier, as well as Grey's Anatomy and this film also has another project that will work with Julia Roberts and Anne Hathaway.
not miss the episodes of the fifth season of Grey's Anatomy at 10 pm. Venezuela / Mexico / Colombia / Peru, and 23h Argentina / Chile, only on Sony Entertainment Television.
Fuente: Canal Sony
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
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Over the past fortnight we will all have had, almost inevitably, some conversation around nuclear energy. If it is potentially very dangerous but Change is the cheapest, if it has the disadvantage of their radioactive waste on the other hand does not pollute with emissions ... yes, no, yes, no. But do we really know even what it is based and how it works, at least over a nuclear power plant?
first thing must be clear is that a nuclear plant is a type of or thermoelectric power plant, ie getting get electricity from the heat generation. What is characteristic of nuclear weapons is that they get the heat through a chain reaction of nuclear fission that, drawn in bold, is as follows:
The reactor central atoms of the fuel or radioactive material used (usually uranium) are heavily bombarded with neutrons. This makes the nuclei of uranium atoms break (fission) into two lighter generating a large amount of energy as heat and releasing more neutrons . These neutrons released by the fission of the nucleus in turn affect other nuclei of uranium and fission getting even more energy and the process repeated successively so that it gets called nuclear chain reaction. To control the process chain, are inserted into the reactor control rods absorb neutrons, and therefore limited the successive processes of fission. The more you introduce the control rods absorb more neutrons, so fewer neutrons will be free, and more limited will be the chain reaction.
From here, the basic process of production of electricity is very similar to that of other power plants. The heat generated by nuclear fission is used continuously to convert water into steam, which in turn is used to spin a turbine . This movement of the turbine, and therefore its mechanical energy is achieved transform, thanks to a generator into electrical energy that eventually leads to the mains laying or going before a transformer .
Finally, the steam generated is necessary to cool and condense into water to re-use it again in the process. This cooling is performed in the condenser using external supplies of cold water from rivers, reservoirs or sea water, and if necessary, cooling towers, this being the cause for which the sites of nuclear power plants are usually near of these natural sources of water. For more
uneasy, leave a video on youtube which is very well explained the process in 3 little minutes:
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
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Models recently talked with Justin Hartley about the two-hour Smallville movie Absolute Justice, upcoming episode Disciple and a potensial season 10.
Nrama: The way it's been sounding, it's looking like there may be a Season 10. Are you signed on for that?
Hartley: Yeah, but I'm looking for a lot more money. I'm going to renegotiate for a sh*t load more money. [laughs] No, I'm kidding. But yeah. That's something I am signed on for. So the way it works is that, to be quite honest with you, if they want me on the show next year, if there is a Season 10...then they have me contracted. And if they don't want me on the show, then they can let me go. That's kind of the way it works. It works in their favor. So I have to mind my p's and q's. I have to be nice. Know what I mean? I can't just be a jerk. [laughs]
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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News News
As we mentioned, the funeral of George made in the first episode which lasted two hours and promises to be heartbreaking. This drama will be reflected in the halls of Seattle Grace Hospital, long after the boy's coffin had been closed. Everyone attending the funeral, even a weak Izzie combed with a scarf in the presence of the mother of the deceased.
A source close to the production says that Meredith is going to handle this situation in a very Meredith. "Doctors will have to cope with the large moment of pain 'says Jessica Capshaw. 'My character has already experienced the death of his brother, then you will be able to assist Callie in the process of mourning. "
Similarly, Owen is going to help Cristina. 'Owen is so usual to lose their colleagues who will make support for their colleagues and help them through this time' said Kevin McKidd. "Instead, Cristina is in a negative phase and will be so until the time they will understand it was real." Cristina will also be open to Owen about his history with Burke. And later in the season, a vacant hospital will be given to a person who shared his past with Hunt. And as Kevin promised, this is going to shake their lives.
also know more about the crossover with 'Private Practice. Alexie Gilmore, who played Robin William's friend in 'World's Greatest Dad' is a dying patient who is in great need of a kidney. Only her sister is a compatible donor. But there will be complications. She announced that after 'No appointment', appear on 'Anatomy Grey 'without knowing the story yet to be developed character.
Source: pinch
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I experience two consecutive literary disappointments. The first to "Orm the Red historical novel Frans G. Bengtsson set in Viking times and the world. I have to say that started well, and the same is that I took with a vengeance. But page after page, and above all due to the way it was written, I was losing interest. The problem is that were told things too lightly and without enough emphasis on certain important passages. Conclusion: abandonment 1. The second disappointment came from the hand of "High Society" , a comic book that came highly recommended but ultimately I could not digest. Its protagonist is an aardvark, which acts like a human, and reaching the highest echelons of power in an imaginary country. After that supposedly happen a number of plots and intrigues, but does not know for sure because I could not continue. Too weird. Caught me not ready for a talking aardvark and conspirator so: abandonment 2.
Well, this has given me to think that lately quite a few books left half. I do not know if I have less patience or do I choose worse. Or maybe just a feeling point influenced by these two recent retirements. Sometimes I think these things should be more subjective and erroneous impressions that, if we look back, I really do not fit the data or real numbers. Like when we insist on seeing only the bad parts of our work or occupation, or merely look at the flaws of our partner or our family or friends. Is not it happen to you? I do not know, sometimes it seems that in general more easily see the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. A kind of human being eternal disagreement that often persists in trying to be unhappy.
In this connection I remember an article in Science Engadget saying that humans "psychologically are more likely to perceive that earnings losses" . As a curiosity gave the example of traffic jams (and I add those lines at supermarket checkouts) that we are on track that we always have the feeling that we are in the slowest. To rebut the article quotes a test that was done in Canada showed that constantly change lanes carried a minimum time savings. I do not think the test is scientific enough to draw a conclusion definitive, but it does appear that indicates which way the shots, and that is certainly what is not normal to think that always plays the slow lane, supermarket box less advanced, we have the worst job in the world or that all bad happens to us. A bit of positivism please! (Or at least a small dose of realism).
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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As is happening since the reinstatement of Cristian Urrizaga ('s nominations to choose one by twitter and online confessional and that participant ends leaving the house), this time chosen by Light.
Also in Internet surveys are results:
- Light: 77%
- Gisele: 16%
- Pamela: 5%
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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Actors In a special night in which Jorge Rial told that the public finally decided that they would receive a penalty for the destruction of the last week, met new nominations in the most famous house in the country.
This is Pamela, Leandro, Cristian "U" and John Paul, who will go to directly plate and face the possibility of leaving the game.
Monday, March 14, 2011
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Actors inaugurated the ' Let her your message a. .. ', where you can leave your message to the participant you want. In this publication you can leave your message to Pamela Bevilacqua (Not sure she will read what you write, but may do so at some point).
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arrived in Miami and just got out of Avison was harassed by several journalists who were waiting for their arrival.
Speaking to weekly magazine Argentino, Cabezón said he would meet with Ricardo Fort, which also is located on U.S. soil. 'On Thursday I will meet with him. Ricardo I love him very much and let's clear this happened as we are good people, "said .. Giving an overview
Asked if the Chocolatier continue in the dance contest, Marcelo was emphatic: "Of course, this is a decision that has to take Fort, but for me everything is fine."
Sunday, March 13, 2011
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The actor Patrick Dempsey, aka Dr. Derek Shepherd or McDreamy in Grey ' s Anatomy act in the film The Art Of Racing In The Rain, which will play a racing driver named Denny Swift.
The last film performance was in 2008 Dempsey in the romantic comedy Made Of Honor, but this year the actor will be a little busier, as well as Grey 's Anatomy and this film also has another project that will work with Julia Roberts and Anne Hathaway.
not miss events of the fifth season of Grey's Anatomy at 10 pm. Venezuela / Mexico / Colombia / Peru, and 23h Argentina / Chile, only on Sony Entertainment Television.
Source: Channel Sony
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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News Celebrities In a special night in which Jorge Rial told that the public finally decided that they would receive a penalty for the destruction of the last week, met new nominations in the most famous house in the country.
This is Pamela, Leandro, Cristian "U" and Juan Pablo, who will go to directly plate and face the possibility of leaving the game.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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time ago I'm interested in the topic of happiness . Not so much from the point of view of manual or self-help books, but to fully understand what it is, how it affects us and how and why it appears and disappears. I think happiness is understanding, reasoning processes, and drawing your own conclusions as best you can get access to it, and not to direct action examples contained in these manuals, precisely because of its widespread nature, can not serve everyone. In previous posts I quoted on this subject and recommended books Desmond Morris and Eduardo Punset : "The Nature of Happiness" and "The Journey to Happiness" respectively. Both with a slightly different point of view, but both in the same way informative.
I recently finished "The art of happiness" of the famous German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer . Despite its subtitle - "Explained in 50 rules for life" - could remember a self-help, in reality this situation will only affect the structure of the book, which is listing the rules one by one. It really makes Schopenhauer's explanation of these rules, far from being a few simple tips to take shape fairly deep analysis of the main features of happiness basic origin in the interior of the human being, his relationship with the character or personality, his poor relationship with external sources, the possibility of development through the cultivation of the inner world of each person ... Personally struck me, and I left a bittersweet feeling of uncertainty, the curious notion that the happy life is simply one that moves away from the suffering and pain that can not really expect much more of our lives. Although this concept a reality, he plans to constantly over the entire course of the play, it would be rare in the German philosopher, known for his pessimism.
As you read the book, the truth is that sometimes can be a bit hard and I remembered, perhaps a bit chaotic the repetition of ideas, the work of Seneca "On the shortness of life " or " On Happiness , but in any case it is worth the effort to end education you get.
Friday, March 4, 2011
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Yes, it looks like there is definitely publication date for "A Dance with Dragons ", the long awaited 5th installment of the series of " Song of Ice and Fire ". It will be the July 12, 2011. At least that was announced George RR Martin in his official web . But of course, as he himself said when the news and other official dates had been published in 2007, 2008 and 2009. We hope this is the "refinitiva" because otherwise, I fear that even their most loyal fans start to see certain dyes in all this teasing.
Well, banish ill omens and think forward to that date will be fulfilled. Let's be positive ... or at least as positive as possible ... as in Spain, plus the 129 days and 14 hours (as indicated by the counter Martin's website) which are for publication, still have to wait a little longer to get the translation. Hopefully Friends Gigamesh , the publisher that owns the rights in our country, quickly put to work.
Meanwhile, to go kill the bug, I remind you we already have about the premiere of the TV adaptation of "Game of Thrones" : May 9th on Canal +: thrones /
Source: ZonaFandom