Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Marriott Employee Blog

pessimists by nature "The art of being happy" - Arthur Schopenhauer

time ago I'm interested in the topic of happiness . Not so much from the point of view of manual or self-help books, but to fully understand what it is, how it affects us and how and why it appears and disappears. I think happiness is understanding, reasoning processes, and drawing your own conclusions as best you can get access to it, and not to direct action examples contained in these manuals, precisely because of its widespread nature, can not serve everyone. In previous posts I quoted on this subject and recommended books Desmond Morris and Eduardo Punset : "The Nature of Happiness" and "The Journey to Happiness" respectively. Both with a slightly different point of view, but both in the same way informative.

I recently finished "The art of happiness" of the famous German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer . Despite its subtitle - "Explained in 50 rules for life" - could remember a self-help, in reality this situation will only affect the structure of the book, which is listing the rules one by one. It really makes Schopenhauer's explanation of these rules, far from being a few simple tips to take shape fairly deep analysis of the main features of happiness basic origin in the interior of the human being, his relationship with the character or personality, his poor relationship with external sources, the possibility of development through the cultivation of the inner world of each person ... Personally struck me, and I left a bittersweet feeling of uncertainty, the curious notion that the happy life is simply one that moves away from the suffering and pain that can not really expect much more of our lives. Although this concept a reality, he plans to constantly over the entire course of the play, it would be rare in the German philosopher, known for his pessimism.

As you read the book, the truth is that sometimes can be a bit hard and I remembered, perhaps a bit chaotic the repetition of ideas, the work of Seneca "On the shortness of life " or " On Happiness , but in any case it is worth the effort to end education you get.


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