Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ip Hiding Software For Ubuntu

Over the past fortnight we will all have had, almost inevitably, some conversation around nuclear energy. If it is potentially very dangerous but Change is the cheapest, if it has the disadvantage of their radioactive waste on the other hand does not pollute with emissions ... yes, no, yes, no. But do we really know even what it is based and how it works, at least over a nuclear power plant?

first thing must be clear is that a nuclear plant is a type of or thermoelectric power plant, ie getting get electricity from the heat generation. What is characteristic of nuclear weapons is that they get the heat through a chain reaction of nuclear fission that, drawn in bold, is as follows:

The reactor central atoms of the fuel or radioactive material used (usually uranium) are heavily bombarded with neutrons. This makes the nuclei of uranium atoms break (fission) into two lighter generating a large amount of energy as heat and releasing more neutrons . These neutrons released by the fission of the nucleus in turn affect other nuclei of uranium and fission getting even more energy and the process repeated successively so that it gets called nuclear chain reaction. To control the process chain, are inserted into the reactor control rods absorb neutrons, and therefore limited the successive processes of fission. The more you introduce the control rods absorb more neutrons, so fewer neutrons will be free, and more limited will be the chain reaction.

From here, the basic process of production of electricity is very similar to that of other power plants. The heat generated by nuclear fission is used continuously to convert water into steam, which in turn is used to spin a turbine . This movement of the turbine, and therefore its mechanical energy is achieved transform, thanks to a generator into electrical energy that eventually leads to the mains laying or going before a transformer .

Finally, the steam generated is necessary to cool and condense into water to re-use it again in the process. This cooling is performed in the condenser using external supplies of cold water from rivers, reservoirs or sea water, and if necessary, cooling towers, this being the cause for which the sites of nuclear power plants are usually near of these natural sources of water. For more

uneasy, leave a video on youtube which is very well explained the process in 3 little minutes:


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