Sunday, May 1, 2011

Floating Arm Trebuchet Free Plans

Wanted a Master of Wicca ... The truth of the Pseudo Teachers can

Today with the ease of access to information, and anyone who read a few books and visited various web sites give you the master. It is impressive to see that in the network, Facebook or other social networks, many people volunteer as teachers of what they really do not know, just to feed their own selves, or perhaps a little fill their pockets.

While the fashion of Wicca, contributed to many of these little serious individuals began to take advantage of people selling courses and other initiations, some get very far abusing not only the sale of teaching, but for things as part of those who have nothing to do with Wicca.

While Wicca is a religion rather open and somewhat eclectic (eye'm Wiccan traditionalist), I can not deny that already cross the line some nonsense about inventing thousands of Wicca, Wicca things that anyone who has read something know and identify as false, especially with regard to what Wicca itself is. Here I want to reemphasize something to comment on other items, when speaking of Wicca, Wicca Wicca talk about, not the Neo-Pagans who call themselves Wiccan, but in reality are not (that deserves another article.)

It is true that the need for a guide sometimes leads to wrong decisions as to how it should be a teacher, and I think it applies only to the Wiccan path but any way. When I started in Wicca 15 years ago, all I wanted was someone to teach me what not, or who ask questions. I have encountered many people, some more crazy than others, and other really, without being TEACHERS TITLE, taught me more than what I teach those who proclaimed to the four winds be priests of the religion.

Here in this article I want to do two things. First, based on my personal experience, I encourage those who are on the spiritual path to not be stupid and act in a hurry. Do not rush to choose a teacher or created when first presented as such. A true master never presented as such, because they know the greater truth. So as part of the advice is WAIT, the Universe, the Gods, or whatever you call them, will give the teachers they need without you looking. Well said the Kybalion ... When the ear is ready ... The second thing I

seemed interesting to do in this article is more than reporting what they are doing wrong the pseudo-teachers, is to have a good guide to what would not. Trying to portray in words the profile of someone who might be a good guide, rather than master in this way. And note I do not use the term MAESTRO, since nowadays any appropriates of this title without understanding even a little of what is the Master.

Well ... start ... As a person seeking a spiritual path, we have certain rights. We can not accept everything that is presented as if it were the only truth. Here I put some ideas of what rights we have as followers of the we can use when we come to some pseudo-teachers.

  • right to verify credentials: You are entitled to ask where the person learned what he learned and that is current. FLUFFY Many Wiccans have no idea why they are Wiccans. I came across several people who got them from teachers and did not even know the basics of religion itself. They believed that by reading this or that book and were eligible to take courses. You are entitled to know who is your guide to where and how you live your life Wicca.
  • right to anonymity: No teacher may disclose any information you. In fact, any serious Wiccan divulge any information of any other brother of the way, however small it may be, but in this case I mean the STUDIO FULANO say-so, or THIS STUDY WITH THAT. Those are things that ethics can not be done.
  • right to economic stability: NOBODY, NOBODY, I repeat NO ONE can force you to put yourself in financial difficulties to receive instruction or charge you for things that are not paid, such as HOME or special rituals. It is true that many people devote their lives and have the profession take cards or things like that, and I respect that. But there is also the issue of coherence, charge for time spent not by the arts. The same with regard to the teachings I have a very different concept, I was taught that you can not teach or start charging for, as these things are priceless. If someone does, let them, but in Wicca ENSENHAR NOT CHARGE FOR START OR NOT CERTIFIED COURSES ARE GIVEN, much less, invented COURSES ritual where the mysteries are revealed only to adepts reserved.
  • right to compensation for work or service: Nobody can exploit you or ask for free gifts or change jobs to teach. If you want to do you as a gift is fine, but can not be required as part of the study.
  • right to sexual freedom: Nobody can make you do something you do not want, or question you ask sexual favors of any kind rafter class, whether they are, ACTUAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, Cybernetics or otherwise. That is not necessary to teach, though claims to the contrary. And with regard to which I will say that the aura is affected by the clothes ... I say that practice more As can be seen with clothes!
  • the physical law: Nobody can endanger your physical safety asking you to do something or consume something that can hurt you.
  • right to enforce national laws: None person to guide you on the spiritual path can make you do something that goes against the established laws in your country. Example: Failure to respect national symbols, no compulsory military service, etc.
  • Right to consistency: You have the right to education consistently and constantly. A good guide will not go one day to one side and then to another, changing from spiritual or trying different ways, changing the names every so often.
  • the separation law with impunity: Any follower, student or whatever, is entitled to say not want more, and retire without being threatened, abused, insulted, or assaulted in some way.
  • right to be with peace of mind: Nobody can get in situations that you believe a consciousness of guilt or dependence. Peace of conscience is essential for spiritual evolution. Some call it peace of conscience, some harmony with the universe, call it as we wish, but is that feeling good about yourself.

Because these rights are adept? Were created based on many people who suffered abuse by false teachers. As I said earlier they were based on my experiences and based on what I was taught. I do not pretend to have the last word on the subject but I do believe that will save you fall into things that are not true. It's good to know that as Wiccans and teach the followers not to fall into the hands of those who call themselves teachers.

Then I found I put a list on the qualities of a good teacher: Good

  • group moderation (they are open and democratic)
  • They speak their minds without being rude (but no direct disrespect)
  • Accepts
    corrections without ojearle (remove evil eye) that says
  • considerate towards others and other esoteric currents (whether or not the same as yours)
  • serve with their skills and knowledge (USED)
  • Showing love and kindness toward others (the gentle touch and soft eyes)
  • teach what they know (not invented so you do not know)
  • demonstrate responsibility (commitment to work guide)
  • keep their word (Again, commitment)
  • remain true to their instincts and inner guidance (it has a spiritual life that comes his way as a guide)
  • create an awareness of the Pagan community (not go throwing shit to others)
  • use the resources correctly (and when we speak of material resources, making appointments, respecting copyrights, asking permission, etc)
  • teach by example (there must be consistency between what I say and what I do, there is no worst witch whoever does not believe in magic)
  • They recognize flaws and weaknesses and work on them (do not believe infallible)
  • They have much experience but still want to learn more (there's always something to learn)
  • have a sense of humor (life is funny, you have to celebrate)
  • can marvel (find the new in all)
  • Make this world a better place to live (create charm, no discord or fighting)
  • live a life of charm (he lives in charm)

And finally I would like to add a list of things that a Wiccan, MASTER GUIDE or whatever you call it should never do. THIS IS NOT ACPET!

  • sexual abuse (child or adult)
  • Substance Abuse
  • provocation of violence at any level (physical, verbal or psychological)
  • destructive behavior toward animals or plants
  • Crime against knowledge (taught wrong on purpose, misrepresenting the truth)
  • Lying or transform the history of paganism
  • Use office for favors
  • denigrate or attack members of other groups. Nobody has the only truth. All roads may lead to enlightenment. Establishing the only way is wrong. Indifference
  • needs of others. The ego must die.
  • deliberately say or do things that make you feel bad for someone
  • Breaking the trust given to them in the circle or class
  • disrespect to the deity in any form

I hope these words We throw some light on this that is harassing to our community, which is the subject of pseudo-teachers. As I am not a doctor on the subject, but I think my experience and the Wicca way taught me some things that may be useful to others.


: Portos

GoldWing SSW ( )

Thanks to Andrea Green, The Green Witch by


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