By Rosa C. Baez
With the opening words of Frank González García, on the Currently Dean of the Faculty of Communication at the University of Havana, began in the morning the meeting convened by the FELAP and UPEC Day on the occasion of Press Freedom. In a brief but documented synthesis, Gonzalez explained the origins of this celebration that commemorates the Windhoek Declaration , Namibia (Africa), the May 3, 1991 recognized the importance of a free and independent press for any society; two years later, in December 1993 the General Assembly of United Nations declared 3 May as World Day Press Freedom
However, Gonzalez pointed away are the large transnational media corporations to comply with any assumption that goes against their interests: "Believe the news event, and also give coverage, because only a fraction of news events become 'news', from its editorial intent, conditioned by political-economic interests of such consortia. Therefore, any event that seeks to settle on the public agenda, must be installed in the media. They define what is news, actually building the news: whether by action or omission, as For our five prisoners in the United States for 13 years, subject to be placed on the media agenda to demonstrate that the U.S. double standards in its course "treatment of terrorism."
and to share their experiences on the Case of Five and the media with journalists, members of various Committees of Solidarity with the families of 5 and Ramón, René, Fernando, Ramon and Antonio, chaired this meeting, In addition, José dos Santos, Executive Director FELAP, Gloria La Riva of the National Committee (USA), Alicia Jrapko, coordinator of the International Committee to Free the Five and Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada, President of the Cuban Parliament, and one of the most authoritative voices to speak of the Five.
thanked ALBA means, only, as the activist in Argentina, covering and reveal with regard to the Five and the tasks and activities to please encourage the committee, since only tangentially "leak" to the American public this news: An example of this is, according to corroborating information Alicia Andrés Gómez, a Cuban journalist living in Miami, founder of the Antonio Maceo Brigade and director of the magazine Areito-indifference to the marches performing in Miami call Marti Alliance, which played only Cuban sources, but not directly from the acts committed by them.
Some of the brothers who daily carry on the wonderful task of breaking the walls of silence in the case of the 5 were present at this discussion group and participated with ideas, experiences or anecdotes. Journalists from Cuba share information with the rest of the world as Rafael Sheets, Santiago Feliu, Francis and Ida Daysi Garberi, Brothers in the very bowels of the monster trying to break the lack of freedom, media coverage in this case as Walter Lippmann, Peter Gellert, or based Cuban Miami, Andrés Gómez. The Salvadoran José Mario Zavaleta, one of our most consistent disseminators of information, talked about his experiences working for the Five.
Much has been the commitment of these groups in solidarity with our compatriots in the United States 5, the main square to cover with this information: concerts, exhibitions, such as political cartoons Gerardo Hernández Comedy with a Cause (The English title is from my Pen Humor) that will be exhibited in several cities in the United States, or Marti Alliance initiatives to put a fence in Miami, or post a notice in the Herald for the five, which was not only remote but actually are urging the committee to withdraw its website the image remember this fact!.
is huge censorship and ignorance of the American people about the case of Five, one of the stories narrated by Gloria tells of a brief space he was granted on Univision in San Francisco, where the talk of the Five will asked where in Cuba were in prison ... "Only if we are able to understand this strong censorship and act accordingly, we can overcome the secrecy and the perverse action of the media."
After the remarks of some of these opinions or proposals for action, the President of our National Assembly closed the Jornada. Then, the full text of his speech
When on 25 April the U.S. government rejected the application for Habeas Corpus of Gerardo Hernandez, he did very categorical way leaving no room to doubt. Washington wants the court to declare inadmissible Miami that request and do so summarily, without convening a hearing to examine its merits, without listening to Gary, without presenting the evidence hidden. Just answer the last resort of a man sentenced to two life sentences plus fifteen years.
Similarly Washington requested that the appeal be dismissed Antonio Guerrero and René González.
Three near-simultaneous actions that reveal the deeply arbitrary and unfair nature of the American system. Occurred a week ago, but did not become news, except a reference in our media.
media dictatorship is probably currently the most effective tool in the political hegemony of imperialism. Largely dominates the global information, determines what people can know and hang with an iron hand he wants to conceal.
The battle for the liberation of our five compatriots can only be won if we understand this essential fact of today's world and are able to act accordingly.
is no coincidence that there is such heavy censorship. Precisely Gerardo collateral appeal is based on concealment of evidence and the role of so-called evil media.
is a case where almost nothing is known beyond Miami. Large total silence imposed corporations out while your correspondents in that city joined disreputable local media to unleash a virulent campaign against defendants who helped form what the three judges of the Court of Appeals described as a "perfect storm" of prejudice and hostility in which based its decision to cancel the trial.
Judge Lenard itself repeatedly protested the provocative actions performed by these supposed journalists that created fear of jury members who felt threatened.
In 2006 it was known that these provocative received payments from the U.S. government to do its dirty work. From that time several U.S. organizations are calling on Washington to hand over hides the data on the scope of a conspiracy whose existence is more than sufficient to demonstrate the scandalous transgression of the authorities.
For five years these American friends have engaged in a noble effort as solo, on which all reflected the corporate media and there is little that has transcended those who consider the alternative.
So it was not difficult to Government to maintain its stubborn position and continue to impose secrecy.
not found invisible barriers to keep the satellite images that jealously guard on the incident on February 24, 1996. Did not allow the saw 15 years ago researchers at the International Civil Aviation Organization, refused to submit to the Court of Miami and now reiterates its refusal. So obvious suspect is her attitude to prevent others from seeing the evidence known only to Washington in its long 123-page argument and three annexes to refer the matter Gerardo just a twisted five-line paragraph.
Let me briefly recap. Gerardo Hernandez had absolutely nothing to do with the downing of the planes on 24 February 1996. The U.S. government itself, that of W. Bush acknowledged that it lacked evidence to support their case against Gerardo and asked at the last minute withdrawal. He did so in an official document entitled "Emergency Petition" and that, according to them, was an action unprecedented in the history of that country.
Here is the document dated May 25, 2001, will soon be ten years, but he does not exist for those who call themselves "media." Andalusian ancestry keep my tendency to stubbornness and that charge with him from time to time, as Roma also believe in fate. You never know. Maybe one day someone discovers that this document exists.
Returning to the incident of February 24 1996. No U.S. court had jurisdiction over this fact, except that had occurred in international airspace. Research conducted by ICAO revealed something surprising. Despite being warned in advance by your government or American radar stations did not record the event or offered contradictory evidence or destroyed data. The only "evidence" provided by the U.S. authorities is the testimony of the captain of a ship that operates, coincidence? From Miami.
Hence the interest, first of ICAO and after defending Gerardo by satellite imagery. The U.S. government has never denied the existence of these images, admitted to have them but in his fifteenth year forbidding anyone else to see.
How to explain that they have successfully managed to hide for so long? Just because their telltale behavior has never become news, because they rely on the complicity of major media corporations, but also, frankly, with our laziness.
The worst enemy of press freedom is the dictatorship of the media, which carry the large corporations that manipulate information and replace it with the industry's deception. That dictatorship imposed
news menu flowing in our newsrooms and with it their codes of language and interpretation. If we develop a true journalist, able to transform into real alternative, it is necessary to exit the menu and seeking truth from other sources. This is a professional necessity but also a duty of solidarity with those who, lacking resources, waging fierce battles alone. Help spread the articulation of their efforts is the duty of the revolutionary press. It is also the best prescription to cure the infection of those codes that circulates, often unnoticed among us. Acting
so we could make news. Without invent or manufacture, such as that abound on the menu that we serve day and night. But breaking the locks that hold truths that have allowed me to mention here. Let us, in short, as Julio Antonio Mella wanted us to be "thinking beings, not driven beings."
Three near-simultaneous actions that reveal the deeply arbitrary and unfair nature of the American system. Occurred a week ago, but did not become news, except a reference in our media.
media dictatorship is probably currently the most effective tool in the political hegemony of imperialism. Largely dominates the global information, determines what people can know and hang with an iron hand he wants to conceal.
The battle for the liberation of our five compatriots can only be won if we understand this essential fact of today's world and are able to act accordingly.
is no coincidence that there is such heavy censorship. Precisely Gerardo collateral appeal is based on concealment of evidence and the role of so-called evil media.
is a case where almost nothing is known beyond Miami. Large total silence imposed corporations out while your correspondents in that city joined disreputable local media to unleash a virulent campaign against defendants who helped form what the three judges of the Court of Appeals described as a "perfect storm" of prejudice and hostility in which based its decision to cancel the trial.
Judge Lenard itself repeatedly protested the provocative actions performed by these supposed journalists that created fear of jury members who felt threatened.
In 2006 it was known that these provocative received payments from the U.S. government to do its dirty work. From that time several U.S. organizations are calling on Washington to hand over hides the data on the scope of a conspiracy whose existence is more than sufficient to demonstrate the scandalous transgression of the authorities.
For five years these American friends have engaged in a noble effort as solo, on which all reflected the corporate media and there is little that has transcended those who consider the alternative.
So it was not difficult to Government to maintain its stubborn position and continue to impose secrecy.
not found invisible barriers to keep the satellite images that jealously guard on the incident on February 24, 1996. Did not allow the saw 15 years ago researchers at the International Civil Aviation Organization, refused to submit to the Court of Miami and now reiterates its refusal. So obvious suspect is her attitude to prevent others from seeing the evidence known only to Washington in its long 123-page argument and three annexes to refer the matter Gerardo just a twisted five-line paragraph.
Let me briefly recap. Gerardo Hernandez had absolutely nothing to do with the downing of the planes on 24 February 1996. The U.S. government itself, that of W. Bush acknowledged that it lacked evidence to support their case against Gerardo and asked at the last minute withdrawal. He did so in an official document entitled "Emergency Petition" and that, according to them, was an action unprecedented in the history of that country.
Here is the document dated May 25, 2001, will soon be ten years, but he does not exist for those who call themselves "media." Andalusian ancestry keep my tendency to stubbornness and that charge with him from time to time, as Roma also believe in fate. You never know. Maybe one day someone discovers that this document exists.
Returning to the incident of February 24 1996. No U.S. court had jurisdiction over this fact, except that had occurred in international airspace. Research conducted by ICAO revealed something surprising. Despite being warned in advance by your government or American radar stations did not record the event or offered contradictory evidence or destroyed data. The only "evidence" provided by the U.S. authorities is the testimony of the captain of a ship that operates, coincidence? From Miami.
Hence the interest, first of ICAO and after defending Gerardo by satellite imagery. The U.S. government has never denied the existence of these images, admitted to have them but in his fifteenth year forbidding anyone else to see.
How to explain that they have successfully managed to hide for so long? Just because their telltale behavior has never become news, because they rely on the complicity of major media corporations, but also, frankly, with our laziness.
The worst enemy of press freedom is the dictatorship of the media, which carry the large corporations that manipulate information and replace it with the industry's deception. That dictatorship imposed
news menu flowing in our newsrooms and with it their codes of language and interpretation. If we develop a true journalist, able to transform into real alternative, it is necessary to exit the menu and seeking truth from other sources. This is a professional necessity but also a duty of solidarity with those who, lacking resources, waging fierce battles alone. Help spread the articulation of their efforts is the duty of the revolutionary press. It is also the best prescription to cure the infection of those codes that circulates, often unnoticed among us. Acting
so we could make news. Without invent or manufacture, such as that abound on the menu that we serve day and night. But breaking the locks that hold truths that have allowed me to mention here. Let us, in short, as Julio Antonio Mella wanted us to be "thinking beings, not driven beings."
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