The first signs of witchcraft, are now among the Paleolithic, about thirty thousand years. The man of that time depended on hunting to survive, getting her food, shelter and clothing material for various mobile assets. The man of that time was animistic worship a wide pantheon of gods who represent the archetypal forces of nature, so being a god of rain, a wind god, a god of lightning, etc. Being the most important of them the God of the Hunt. Like most game animals had horns, the God of the Hunt took this attribute, along with some others that vary from town. In some magical-religious rituals of the members of the tribe (unlikely a "priest" as we know it) took the role of God in the Chase, dressed in skins and horns of animals and thereby directing the hunt (as prove some cave paintings). Parallel to the evolution of the God of the Hunt, was developed entirely related to this figure, the image of a goddess, the Goddess of Fertility. As expected, the persistence of hunting depended on the fertility of animals, and likewise, the tribe's survival depended on the ability of women to conceive many children, of whom few were to survive. Venus Willendford, Sireuil Laussel and proving the existence of this form of worship to the Goddess of Fertility, major supplier, Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Great Mother. With the advent of agriculture, the Goddess grew in importance, in addition to ensuring the fertility of the tribes, nature and all its beings, exerted his influence on the crops. The year was divided into two halves, the Shining, dominated by the Goddess, harvest time, and the Dark, dominated by God, hunting season. The cult soon became religion, and it was gradually extended throughout Europe, and the gods of lightning, rain, wind, etc. were lost along the way, increasing the importance of the God and Goddess. By learning the man to store food for winter, hunting lost its importance, from the God to be a god of the occult, nature in general and life after death. This fact did not affect the goddess, who continued in his role as goddess fertility and regeneration. It was at this point, when it developed a priesthood composed of people devoted entirely to the performance of rituals, magic and the worship of deities of the tribe. In some places, the priests and priestesses were known as "Wicca." These people were the educated members of society, often practiced as a lawyer, lawyer, priest, doctor and wizard.
addition, during the celebrations went to take the "role" for the god. The best known example of this kind of priesthood, we find in Celtic society with the image of the Druids. Deny the link between Wicca and Druidism, would deny the truth So undoubtedly, Wicca is just a relic of Druidism. Studying the myths transmitted by Bardos, we can reach a higher understanding about Wicca because, undoubtedly, Wicca emerged after centuries of concealment of what at first was Druidism. The conversion to Christianity of the pagan peoples was slow, much more than they want us to believe the chroniclers, since in many cases was only the monarch who, in a superficial way, had become, with the predominant religion of witchcraft in Europe during the first thousand years of Christian domination. Pope Gregory "The Great" Conversions attempted large-scale destruction ancient places of worship and build up Christian churches. Although it achieved some success, artisans, mostly pagans, cluck representations of their deities among the Catholic, so that, although they were forced to attend Mass, they could continue to worship their gods. It was later when Christianity chose another strategy, the God of the old religion became the evil of the new, making it all Pagan worshipers of the devil.
The accusation against the witches of being worshipers of the devil, is ridiculous, the Devil is a purely Christian institution, with no allusions to the Old Testament, and is an entity that of course, did not exist among the Gentiles. Gradually members of the Old Religion were limited to rural areas, and were called Pagans, a word that does not have any pejorative sense, and its modern use in that sense, wrong. In 1484 Pope Innocent VIII declared: It has come to our attention that members of both sexes do not avoid the connection with evil angels, incubus and succubus, and that, by their sorcery, incantations and spells suffocate, extinguish and spoil the births of women.
A statement that followed the bull against witches, and two years later he published the Malleus Maleficarum. Most of the staff of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Cologne refused, but the authors did not give up and forged an endorsement of all the faculty would not be discovered until 1898 (nearly three hundred years later). The consequences that this brought, it is only comparable with what happened in the twentieth century because of the Nazis, thousands or millions of people died of torture, forced to confess, many of these people (mostly women) were not even members of the old religion, the Inquisitors killed them all under the slogan "God limp to theirs." Moreover, the inquisitors could seize and claim for themselves the coming of the accused (never a charge proved unfounded, torture was the infallible means of obtaining a confession), so many of these highlighted be rich merchants and members of the lower nobility, the informers received reward, and the accusation became a lucrative means to collect old debts, even some people are "professionalized" in this vile art.
sexual rites practiced by the real members of the Old Religion, essentially happy, were twisted by the authors of the Malleus Maleficarum who apparently became obsessed to an unbelievable extent on this issue, and likewise, the inquisitors liked to delve deeper into the details during the torture, giving new and gruesome ways to everything they had. The church could not allow free thinking of the common people, or that women had endured such a prominent role as that of the Old Religion was, for these and other reasons from Rome turned a blind eye to such atrocities committed , moreover, received papal support such atrocities. In 1604 King James I of England wrote his own "act against the sorcerers, this being replaced in 1736 by another that showed the non-existence of witches, also penalized on charges of fraud to anyone who claimed to possess powers hidden.
Despite all the persecution, members of the Old Religion lasted, however, in small circles, mostly family members. In 1921 Dr. MA Murray published The Witch Cult in Northern Europe ", by inquisitorial research pointing to the existence of a pre-organized Christian religion.
Another important book from this author is" The Gold of the Witches "(1931). It was not until 1951 that was repealed last laws against witchcraft. This did not dispel the shadows that witches had woven themselves around him for protection. The first three books about Witchcraft were openly "High Magic's Aid", "Witchcraft Today" and "The Morning of wichcraft ", all of Gerald Gardner.Desde the sixties until now, there have been many witches who have risen to defend the truth about their ideas, beliefs and activities, both social and personal. To everyone, thank you, and you who read this text, do not be silent when you should speak; defends Art and reminds all times of the fire, without hatred in your words, to prevent their recurrence.
Animism: belief that every element of nature is possessed of the Spirit and / or own divinity.
Venus: Generic name Paleolithic female statuettes are characteristics of their sexual attributes exalted with heads and limbs reduced to a minimum.
Half Light year: From May 1 to October 31.
dark half of the year: From November 1 to April 30.
Wicca: Literally, "the wise." Can also be found under the forms Wicca, Wicca or Wita.
Pagano: Non-Christian, comes from the root "pagani" inhabitants of the country. Malleus Maleficarum, was published in 1486 and written by two Dominican monks called Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger.
About: The Complete Book of Witchcraft, R. Buckland
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