Sunday, May 1, 2011

How Do You Get Oovoo To Recognize My Camera

Twitter has more potential than you think when it comes to promoting your blog

twitter I think after having started using Twitter ago a little over a week, it was time making a powerful entry on this page. And the post title really sums up well what I mean, Twitter has much more potential than you think (unless of course, now you are using it like me.)

However, many people I know do not use Twitter much. I myself created an account in March 2008 but never got to use both, mainly because despite trying to convince my friends and family, none of them hit and did not see the usefulness of twitter alone. Even now, some people are not very useful or that you feel bored, well then, hopefully with this post that will change .


Twitter, as many know, is a microblogging service and also used as a social network that lets you send "tweets" messages are 140 characters maximum, all your followers. You, as a user, you can also go to people whom you would be interested to follow their "tweets" and in this way, everyone can be aware of what happens / think / shares the person / entity you're interested.

What do you use?

can use Twitter to:

  • Keeping up with the latest news in any case on a specific topic.
  • Be aware of what some famous people such as make. Advertise
  • your blog or in any event to highlight new websites to others. Contact
  • friends and family as if they were SMSs.
  • Report
    emergency. Publicizing

The All-Knowing 4 image

As I said, I created an account in 2008 but never actually used it, but the reason to publish this blog, I decided to create me another account and this time use it as I read on some blogs, Twitter is the main source of traffic and good, one does create a blog to share different things around in our head, but unfortunately Sometimes, though an entry is very well done, does not receive as many visits as you wanted . So that's where Twitter: We (or good, rather I think I'm just me who tweeted) use Twitter to publicize our blog and make it known to people who might be interested. Thanks

some more tools (which I will write about later) , Twitter has made me super easy and fun. Get

followers follow and will follow.

In just 4 days have been tweeting it, I have over 150 followers on Twitter .. how do I accomplish? Easy:

Added, ie still to all persons or items that have to do with your blog . Example: If your blog is only about Twilight, you should look for people (with the form of people who have Twitter is good to begin with) who are interested this saga and then you should also go to Stephanie Meyer, Robert Pattinson and all actors who have starred in the films.

After doing this job, "manual", follows all recommended by Twitter users (yes ALL) and follows the followers of your followers , may also be people who are interested on the subject.

Now you already follow a number (I now I have more than 500 in a row), in your homepage you have tweets galore, so if you prefer you can make a list of the most important but also to all those that follow are in your item, you will learn many things that might serve for some following publication in your blog (that's one of the advantages of following so many people).

But the real trick, and the real reason so many people follow is that if I start to follow 100 people, the possibility exists that these people check my profile and go to my blog and better yet, if you like my blog , also follow me and every time I tweeted, is may re-enter my blog. Now imagine that you are not 100, but a 10 000 then it is much more likely that your visits will increase.

But I'll give some more tips:

1 .- Each time someone follows you, send them a direct message inviting them to read your blog post or maybe one in particular that by profiling your fan do you think might be interested. 2 .-

Give them a reason to follow. If all you're going to twitter are nothing but links, people will not feel attracted to your blog and also think they are pure spam and automatic (no operator is that this evil).

3 .- Interact with your fans. If someone asks an opinion through twitter, or someone asks a question, good answer and so they realize they follow is more than just "check out my blog.


(Follow us on Twitter)

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