Monday, February 28, 2011

Free Full Lengthbang Bros

News This Seasson

not remember if I had told them, but one night turned out dreaming of facebook. Yes, the dream did not appear any person, nor I, but the facebook wall. It's funny, if I feel that I visit at most once or twice a week.
similar thing happened last night, but this time, what appeared was the time line of twitter.
It must be frustrating because all week I had it locked, see ...
But it's funny, I have about 10 years of using email and never sonno in the inbox or anything else related.
Apparently social networks are introduced to the bottom of the subconscious without being noticed.
If that happens to me, I have like 12 followers on twitter and like 13 friends on facebook ... and people who have more than a thousand supporters and / or friends, playing Farmville or other things there?
News for Sara Ramirez Tamara

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Grand Touring Performance

technological Dreams Tamara Is it or is it done? Presidential Dreams

This Seasson or Is It?. Tamara Casasola, participant Jujuy Big Brother 2011 seems not to understand the pace of the game. You what you think. Are you acting? Is it a strategy? Watch the Video:

News for Katherine Heigl

British Women Stripping In Girdles

Guards! "Guards? (Terry Pratchett) Aristarchus of Samos

The city of Ankh Morpork, Discworld the planet is threatened by attacks from a dragon, which appears from time to time and in a mysterious way for attacking certain sites in the dismal and decrepit city. Guards the same, used to accept the crime and corruption as usual, are not prepared to fight the new threat. Who will then deal with that threat? What is the reason for his mysterious appearance? Something like this would be the central plot of the novel Guards! "Guards?" The Briton Terry Pratchett, framed within the larger saga of the "Discworld," which as its name suggests, takes place in a world shaped flat disk, and is inhabited by races and the most colorful characters.

had heard much talk of the series and the British writer, especially a couple of faithful followers blog, but until I put (themselves) the book in hand, had not found the time to dare her. And now I know that would be a mistake to ignore them because I truly liked and has entertained me greatly. Perhaps the idea of \u200b\u200ba world shaped disc is not very innovative, but combined with a good dose of fantasy and especially with the great irony and humor of Pratchett smart, just making a genre I guess there will be many more examples, and that therefore it is worth visiting. Just at the end have to be a little weird or a little "freak" to like, but simply for its uniqueness and must be given a chance. Thanks

by both the recommender for this recommendation as well recommended.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Low And Hard Cervix In Missed Period

That happens to me to go reading news on ministers to resign, watch interviews with the said Minister and listening to Mr President in a rage denying the allegations ...
Yes, fair as the title says, I ended up dreaming of the President.

Was he white guayabera, glasses, gray hair, a white background, with microphone. My mom and I were interviewing (Greetings Mother) and I asked him why waves with state money. I said something about a trust fund of $ 23 million were for something of Education, which thankfully was trust, and could not play and not accuse him of stealing.
Then in the dream, I had a thought, which remained at the level of thought because I did not tell the President - of those things that one is self-censorship before removing and not said - and was Asked if the Ministry had Economists Economics, because I was strange that German Cáceres - Nah, you will know what this man was sailing in the story - could not keep accounts of the state and everything was so bad.
I say, why I could not dream of such cool pictures of the Bay Area of \u200b\u200bSan Francisco I saw yesterday in the flick - courtesy of Victor the link - this excellent photographer Calero, who mayor of San Salvador he plagiarized a picture for your web ... no, with such Funes had to dream the girl.
send me nice things today: music, photos, thoughts, books ... maybe changing dreams.
PS: already set it's Wednesday? I feel it is Tuesday. On Monday I ran away - without pay for - but I escaped, the sister republic of Santa Ana =)
News for

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Vintage Hamilton Beach Mixer Parts

Sometimes it takes the protagonist who does not deserve. And others, who deserves it is forgotten. History, despite the proven, scientific method, human, and as a human, is imperfect and therefore often unjust. Who remembers, for example the names of the soldiers in a war instead of the name of the generals who lead them? Nobody. Obviously it is impossible to know so many names, but no longer impossible to be unfair. And now a more specific who do we remember when we talk about Heliocentrism ? Many will of Galileo Galilei. Others, a bit more refined, they will of Nicholas Copernicus. And who knows more about the topic and also agreed to summon both Johannes Kepler and elliptical orbits. But who will remember Aristarchus of Samos ?

Aristarchus was a Greek mathematician (born in Samos) in the third century BC, developed his personal and professional lives mainly in Alexandria, one of the most prosperous cities and center of learning and scholarship of antiquity. Soon became interested in the study of the heavens and astronomy, and thanks to these observations and their extensive knowledge mathematics and geometry, able to determine the angle of the Sun, Earth and Moon when she was in one of their rooms. And obviously, with these angles, calculated the distances (with amazing precision for the time and resources available).

Thus, Aristarchus realized that the distance from Earth to the Sun was much larger than the Earth-Moon distance. Given this, and that the Sun and Moon seen from Earth, have a similar apparent size, Aristarchus deduced that the Sun must be much larger than the moon and even their own Earth. These deductions, which in themselves were already extremely revolutionary and represented a tremendous advance, were not there, but they did that, along with other evidence and studies, Greek rethink the Aristotelian theory that dominated Geocentrism then - What is the point has the largest body (Sol) is the one that revolves around the youngest (Earth)? - and become a the first to formulate a complete heliocentric theory.

Unfortunately, the works of Aristarchus, one has come to this day its "From the sizes and distances from the Sun and the Moon" , since the rest was lost in the famous fire of the Library of Alexandria, and we know their ideas for quotations from other scholars. In addition, as many others ahead of their time, Aristarchus was misunderstood and it seems that suffered numerous pressures against their theories, they had to wait 1,700 years to Copernicus and Galileo resumed it and began his gradual but definite establishment in society .

And is that theories of this ancient mathematician, not only represented a revolution in physics and astronomy, but also philosophical and cultural, as it did rethink the role of human beings in the universe - If even the Earth is the center of stars of their environment ... How will be the man the center of the universe and of existence? -. Big question right? The mystery of life. Perhaps it is not this the life that we have to star but perhaps one that comes next? I do not know. And even a similar reflection, but most of the day to day: If the Earth is not the center of the universe ... if the Earth is not so important then ... if the earth is only one more ... Why do we as individuals we believe as important in a society or a group? Why we see only our own and why it so difficult to get into the skin of others? Why is it so difficult to change their minds and listen to others? If you're just one more ... Why pretend that everything revolves around us?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Olive Oil Fed To Dogs

Gossip News Television and Leandro Martin Pepa: Players in the third plot Models

Again and, for the third time So far this game, the 18 participants received the cards you can twist the fate of some of their peers, through the variants that they have at the time of nomination.

As always, once the "brothers" received the letters, Big Brother instructed to make clear to participants that was forbidden to tell other colleagues what the letter was obtained.

double Votes ran down the Light, who will give 4 votes to the first nominated and two to the second. Solange

reduce its own passing score half of those elected to the participant for her.

Finally, the letter agreement, known by kids as the letter of the "plot", the obtained Leandro and P. Martin News for Dr Stevens Isobeli

Friday, February 11, 2011

Speech Sample Fora Ceo Welcome

Alan Turing

Many have had personal bad luck to see the film "Enigma." I say unfortunate because I thought it was a real tostón. But for those who do not have seen, or those who do not remember, say that flows in the midst of World War II, and focuses on the attempts of the Allies to decipher the secret codes of communication of the Nazi army and all wrapped up in a web of espionage and counter-espionage. Look good right? Well as I say, it's a bummer.

Rounding out the tragedy, despite being on the decoding of codes, and the famous Enigma machine, the film keeps us from knowing, not to appear on her inexplicably, one of the biggest stars of this episode of World War II I refer to Alan Turing , the famous British mathematician of the first half of the twentieth century.

Turing, who appears as a small child noted for their intelligence, memory and ease of calculation, is considered the father of modern computing and information technology . Before the war, around 1936, at age 24, devised the known as "Turing machine" , showing that a machine could be capable of processing data (input-processing-output) and laying the foundations of computing. Because of their articles, studies and general professional success, at the outbreak of World War II Alan Turing was quickly captured by British Intelligence. Thus, Turing took over the group of cryptanalysis of the famous Bletchley Park mansion in order to break the German communications code, that these machines encrypted famous "Enigma" .

locking in Bletchley Park cryptanalysts
Turing's theories, the principle applied in the creation of machines "Bombe" and then the more sophisticated computer "Colossus" (which many regard as the first computer in history), the British finally managed to decipher the information Nazi army, it seems that, according to studies, advance to the contest about 2 years. After the war, Turing continued his studies and devised the called "Turing Test" for determining whether a machine is able to show the intelligence of a human being, something that still no computer has been able to overcome.

Colossus Computer

Unfortunately, despite their very important contributions to the end of the war and to the scientific, Turing recent years were not as happy as they should. And, because of his homosexuality, was sentenced to undergo treatment of estrogen, which caused such physical and psychological changes that sadly ended up taking him to suicide at the age of 42.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Queen Size Bed Fit Van

House Brothers & Sisters - Who's in and who's out? Actors Photos


How many big names can ABC's Brothers & Sisters lose?

First Balthazar Getty , then Rob Lowe and now word is leaking via reports elsewhere that Calista Flockhart may have one-half of a foot out the door.

So what really is going on with our beloved Walkers? Who's in and who's out? Here's the scoop...

First and foremost, sources tell me it's 'not true' that Calista's workload for next season will be reduced to any significant degree. I'm told the actress put in a request to work just one day a week starting this fall—instead of her current two to four days per week—but according to insiders, the show's higher-ups have denied that request.

Why is this all going down now? I hear that producers have been looking for ways to reduce the show's budget for several weeks now, particularly among the sufficiently paid big-name castmembers, but higher-ups deemed Calista, Sally Field and Rachel Griffiths unexpendable and insisted that all three leading ladies stay on board next year.

It's unclear if Calista will be in every single episode next season; however, ABC confirms that she will still be a series regular. And though her character's storyline may take the back burner for a bit (now that Kitty's cancer arc has wound down for the time being), the forthcoming exit of onscreen husband Robert McCallister (Rob Lowe) obviously throws some drama her way.

So McCallister leaves and Kitty stays and that's that, right? Nope. I've heard that producers wanted to end this season with a 'big death,' and even though Senator McCallister will probably leave rather than die, still another major character could be on the chopping block.

Which Brothers & Sisters character are you hoping survives these big show changes? Comment below...

Source : Watch with Kristin
News for Eric Dane

Is There Openbasketball Gyms In Ottawa

Comic News ... and Technology

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm getting more and more to read e-books . I will not go now on votes on whether the emergence of the electronic book is for better or for worse, but I think it will be an evolution all but inevitable. And surely this phenomenon is not only drag conventional books but also for example to the world of comics that because they are more visual, maybe even fit better (or perhaps worse, do not know) to future technological advances.

the moment here are a couple of news that blend the comic and new technologies:

1. English comics "Ibero" (the Aragonese artist Iñigo Aguirre ) a few days ago launched its specific application iPad. For now available for free the number 0, and for only € 0.79 with # 1 (and I understand that the remaining numbers as they appear). I have not read yet but I bought it and I've tried, and it goes without saying that this price is worth really worth it. A major initiative of the English comic. I do not know who your breathe, but to see if they take note all those who both talk about how bad it is hacked. This will change things and not complaining and accusing the staff.

2. Marvel , long since pulled its application for the iPad, launches now an application to read the comics in Google Chrome . This I have not tested and therefore do not know, so I can not say. Best I leave ZonaFandom link where I saw the news: here. And another link to the page of Chrome for Marvel, Marvel or Chrome, as more you like it:

Monday, February 7, 2011

Shaving Turns Skin Green

cultures failed - José Antonio Marina

The truth is that I'm not sure where to start. I guess the first thing will be to say that I liked. Not that I have done many illusions, but he called me attention to the title and synopsis of the cover (damn synopsis: Some are like trailers for movies that teach you the best and the rest ends up being a truño). And sadly in the end that I have found the most attractive of the book, its title: "The failed culture."

The book's main idea is to explain the link between individual intelligence of the individual and the collective intelligence of a culture or society. How they complement one another and what the optimal relations between them and other companies created to be a smart company, ie they can effectively solve collective problems that arise.

I think the problem is that I expected something more practical, applied to every day, and instead I found that in fact the Navy testing is mostly thought to a more metaphysical or more philosophical. Furthermore, and perhaps because of this abstract, I have to admit I found it a bit difficult to comprehend some terms and explanations. I do not know, perhaps knowing in advance where they will go a long interesándote shots or the specific issue, it may be something else ... can be ... and even to be fair, I have to say that certain ideas that transmits itself I found interesting, I do not know ... anyway, if someone asked me I do not think I would recommend.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

No Door To Master Bath

The Deep End - Episode 1.2 Where There's Smoke - New Actors

Fotos Actores

Thanks to TheHousewives0000 for the video.

News for Dr irandabailey

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Im Mcdonalds And Your Burger King

New Videos "Game of Thrones"

The other day I saw the trailer on Digital + on its release here in Spain. Of course, I did not know if I'm being objective and really so, or is that I'ma rather flipao, but each new trailer that I see, I think the series better and more nerves I enter. In short, what is certain is that every time there is less for the premiere of the adaptation of "Game of Thrones" . The April 17 release in the U.S. network HBO and Spain will arrive in May at the hands of Canal +. To further increase the expectations, I leave one of the last published trailers and a small "making of" of Canal +. Trailer


"Making of" Canal +:

Source: ZondaFandom

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Strongest Subwoofer On Earth

Promo Excerpt from Pablo Echarri visit to the house of Big Brother Celebrity News

News for Dr Derek Christopher Shepherd