Friday, February 11, 2011

Speech Sample Fora Ceo Welcome

Alan Turing

Many have had personal bad luck to see the film "Enigma." I say unfortunate because I thought it was a real tostón. But for those who do not have seen, or those who do not remember, say that flows in the midst of World War II, and focuses on the attempts of the Allies to decipher the secret codes of communication of the Nazi army and all wrapped up in a web of espionage and counter-espionage. Look good right? Well as I say, it's a bummer.

Rounding out the tragedy, despite being on the decoding of codes, and the famous Enigma machine, the film keeps us from knowing, not to appear on her inexplicably, one of the biggest stars of this episode of World War II I refer to Alan Turing , the famous British mathematician of the first half of the twentieth century.

Turing, who appears as a small child noted for their intelligence, memory and ease of calculation, is considered the father of modern computing and information technology . Before the war, around 1936, at age 24, devised the known as "Turing machine" , showing that a machine could be capable of processing data (input-processing-output) and laying the foundations of computing. Because of their articles, studies and general professional success, at the outbreak of World War II Alan Turing was quickly captured by British Intelligence. Thus, Turing took over the group of cryptanalysis of the famous Bletchley Park mansion in order to break the German communications code, that these machines encrypted famous "Enigma" .

locking in Bletchley Park cryptanalysts
Turing's theories, the principle applied in the creation of machines "Bombe" and then the more sophisticated computer "Colossus" (which many regard as the first computer in history), the British finally managed to decipher the information Nazi army, it seems that, according to studies, advance to the contest about 2 years. After the war, Turing continued his studies and devised the called "Turing Test" for determining whether a machine is able to show the intelligence of a human being, something that still no computer has been able to overcome.

Colossus Computer

Unfortunately, despite their very important contributions to the end of the war and to the scientific, Turing recent years were not as happy as they should. And, because of his homosexuality, was sentenced to undergo treatment of estrogen, which caused such physical and psychological changes that sadly ended up taking him to suicide at the age of 42.


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