Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A330 Fuji Mechanical Drawing

The regulars respond on Comics (I)

Who has not dreamed of flying like Superman, drive the Batmobile, stretch like Reed Richards (Mr.Fantástico) or seeing a fight between Hulk and The Thing? What are the favorite of Circulodeaficioneros?


What is your favorite cartoon character and why?

Although the question is perhaps most insignificant of all, is surely the one that has cost me more concrete. Since childhood my favorite superhero Superman has always been, is what you have grown up with movies starring Christopher Reeve, and now the character of those who read more comics is Wolverine calculation. On the other hand, I love the dark and the fascist side of Batman, he does what he thinks he has to do, period, without mercy, without the police or the state, decides and executes. But there is a character that wakes me they do not get some sympathy others: Captain America . I guess in part for his uniform and shield, and partly by the force that gives the super-soldier serum, but certainly what I like about him is the strong leadership he has and his relentless defense freedom. Like that, despite their patriotic ideals, is able to set aside his country in favor of the defense of freedom and the values \u200b\u200bwe believe.

Any special child that you love?

I'll take Rorschach in Watchmen. Like Batman, has a dark side and tyrannical seduce me, and like Captain America, maintains the values he believes in until the end. His fight against political correctness and its marginal compared to their mates just love it.


What is your favorite cartoon character and why? Any side who have special affection?

Difficult questions that pose ... Actually, I've been thinking and I think I will not be able to answer. For the record, I do not want to nor deep nor pedantic but I'll take the opportunity you give us to pay a modest tribute to the comic. And there are many characters that I have posed good times and many years of reading comics. From Zipi and Zape up Tin Tin, through Mortadelo and Philemon, Super López , Asterix and Obelix , superheroes - many of Marvel and DC a few ...

... by that I mean that it is very difficult if not impossible, to stay with you. Sunday afternoons and rainy cold with nothing more to do than read comics, I remember with great affection loooong. Like the days in bed from a blessed flu or waiting at the doctor's office ... Do not exaggerate, comics have always been there, staying with me. So do not be surprised to talk to them and their authors with special affection and I will be very hard to stay with one ...

Yes it is true that the more I followed it far more comics and I have accumulated over the years is Spiderman and, of course, I have a special affection. Do not think that I've asked myself why I like so much this character. Actually, I think it just happened that we are at the right time ... other flu. You are in bed with nothing to do than spend time reading comics and listening to the radio (another thing I like most in this world I discovered thanks to the flu) and suddenly falls into your hands one of Spiderman that for some strange reason you love ... Just so you know, the first Spiderman comic I read was "Spider-Man and Dracula. Vol 2. Vertice No. 30. Superheroes written by Len Wein and drawn by Ross Andru. The number of vertices, in black and white (ohhhhh. ...) picked up the material of the Giant Size Spiderman # 1.

The regulars respond on Comics (II)
The regulars respond on Reading (I)
The regulars respond on Reading (II)
regulars respond on Reading (III)
The regulars respond on History (I)
The regulars respond on History (II)


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