Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Drywall And Gluten Intolerance

The regulars on Comics (II)


What is your favorite cartoon character and why?

Batman. It has no powers and is among the most respected. Its darkness which makes it more human. Their values \u200b\u200bare the ones I like: the system does not work, someone has to fight for the rest catching up trash. Coolness the rest gives a very authentic touch of cockiness.

Any special child that you love?

Wolverine and Hulk. The two spend the rules and are the hardest. I like Wolverine for his comments because it is often humorous and endure many blows before winning. Hulk I like it for its incomparable strength and because there is always someone who thinks they are stronger than him, but never are.


What is your favorite cartoon character and why?

'm mulling over the questions and I find an answer that convinces me ... I do not know ... a priori favorite character would you Batman, but lately I'm getting tired of it ... and the same happens with Wolverine (eye, which I read last week's "Old Man Logan" and I liked it hey, but I always seem to like comic book ...). I'm hooked on lately is the Living Dead, and its main character is the fucking master! yes, no more than an ordinary sheriff ... I'm thinking that a character is to cojonudo Nexus, a superhero who goes by the planets overthrowing tyrants and giving her justice. I like it because it does not beat with half measures, come to where the bad and the brush, to take the ass!

So ... if you want a rare superhero I'll stick with Nexus. For one I like for the whole story as it evolves: Rick Grimes (the Dead). For someone known surely Batman, by the great stories we have left. Although I like Hellboy ...

Any special child that you love?

As a secondary ... I think in that I prefer Iron Fist. Which has its own collection but is not well known, I really like it. Karateka is a kind of mystic, what I read I liked. Daredevil is a kind of fall to you all and the end, as all good, just winning ... Host! I remembered Rorschach! this really is the fucking master, I stay with him for the great story, and phrases that give the balls check it!


What is your favorite cartoon character and why?

My short experience in the comics is no more than 3 or 4 years and I have only had opportunity to read Marvel comics (perhaps because of small saw Spiderman cartoon series on Antena 3), without But if I could go quite a regular series in which various characters appear, namely: Thor, Captain America, Spiderman, Wolverine, Hulk, Ironman, Fantastic 4, Ms. Marvel, New Avengers, Mighty Avengers, etc. Among all these stories the truth is that my favorite cartoon character was hopping from one to another according to the stories of the comics but if I have to stay with one I would definitely stay with Ironman. And there are many reasons ... For material reasons (I suppose the least, although I'm not sure lol): Uncle is a millionaire, has all kinds of luxury cars, mansions, has to a skyscraper in the middle of New York and if last but not least also the bastard is handsome and every woman is shot which catches the eye! And now for more personal reasons: Tony Stark was a man who became a superhero thanks to his wit and intelligence (not without some help from a colleague, it is true), I like the idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero made himself. It is one of the 5 smartest people on Earth, is one of the founders of the Original Avengers, and indeed his patron for a long time. I also like the idea that such an intelligent man can see corrupted by alcohol, which shows once again that not everything in life is money and the material world.

Any child who have special affection? As secondary

I can not mention Slaughter, because I think one of the most charismatic of all Marvel. It is the typical antihero that everyone hates. The guy is crazy, his face is deformed, has the same healing factor than Wolverine, using pistols and two swords and also blowing off jokes and bullshit! Do not know what else you could ask a person for a laugh with him.

The regulars respond on Comics (I)
The regulars respond on Reading (III)
The regulars respond on Reading (II)
The regulars respond on Reading (I)
The regulars respond on History (II)
The regulars respond on History (I)


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