Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can I Buy Alcohol With A Temporary Id

Skynet Top Soccer

In my case, it started about 15 years ago with a kind of program that allowed you to connect to a kind of forum, through a kind of modem that pervaded the telephone line. I remember the program, or forums, or whatever all that, it was called Top Soccer . And I remember there was a section to talk or leave messages on each computer, where I used to enter the Athletic and angered me to read how many put to give birth to Luis Fernandez. There would be more messages, more players, and people praised or criticized. But I remember from those of Luis Fernandez. Everything was Top Soccer, and everything was for my Internet startup. Today

hardly know or do if I did not have Internet, but at that time still was getting everything. So much so, that even then there were no webs, or for both browsers (or at least had not yet reached me.) That came later. Those sites such archaic and superestáticas, and those browsers where you had to type up the "http://" or not you happy going to the web. These, gradually, and the normal evolution of technology, computers and networking, then ended up drifting in a more dynamic web, where user interaction became the most important factor. It was and is, the Web 2.0 , this technological age in which even we find ourselves and that its main protagonists are blogs, forums and social networks.

And now, when many people are still climbing on this car, we say that time is on the verge of extinction and little by little we are already putting their feet on what could be considered Web 3.0. But what is that? What we still have to move? For what it means is that since many users are beginning to dispense with traditional Web browsing, and therefore away from using the browser. Chrome, Explorer, Mozilla, are already being pre-retirees. The new form of interaction with the network is falling increasingly on the famous "Apps" mobile phone (or rather smartphones), the tablets, or even the PC is becoming increasingly numerous people not open the browser to check the weather on the web, but pulling your application "Weather" more and more users who do not connect to facebook.com but access to that network through the "app" its iPad official, and there are more users who choose to check email through the "application" Gmail for your Android or iPhone. This is explained by a mere amateur, it is more or less the Web 3.0.

But also, this should be added the dramatic increase of the phenomenon of "cloud" and cloud computing . Gradually, thanks to advances in the speed of network connection, it spreads out the storage and / or access to any data (music, files, documents, contacts ...) on the servers of companies vendors without having them stored on the hard drive of your PC or device. In my case I have my contacts in Gmail, my events and appointments on Google Calendar, keep certain documents and files in Dropbox, I write lots of notes (mostly for the blog) in Evernote, and listen to music exclusively via Spotify. With the advantage that all I can access anywhere you have a data connection, either from my phone, my home PC, laptop or even work iPad. Many feel, partly why some vertigo or fear of this new "lifestyle" and even recently I heard an expert witness against this storage in the cloud

"The use of Cloud computing is worse than stupidity "
Richard Stallman (of the mainsprings of the free software movement)
Source: Technology Blog " The Guardian "

not know if it concerned a claim or is rather due to my ignorance, but personally I do not agree with that statement. I think it would be like saying that it is better not to put money in banks because we lose the real control over it, or because if we were bankrupt without it. Something, obviously, nobody today would understand. I think that all this progress is unstoppable: phones, the e-book The tablets, Web 3.0, 4 5 6 7 and 8.0, the cloud and cloud computing, and then advances in nanotechnology, circuits and subcutaneous implants, and later the servo human spacecraft , interstellar travel, and perhaps intelligent androids to conquer other worlds.

I like, and I am a big fan of all this, but hell, I also recognize that I start to think and gives me a little scared, or rather dizzy. The other day I read an article Punset for the magazine "Very Interesting" , which featured Ray Kurzweil , a researcher and scientist specializing in artificial intelligence and technology, and had come to make statements like:

"In the decade of 2030, you can download our brains, our mental software, any support and backing"

"In the future computers will act in a way very similar to ours, including emotional intelligence will be fun, you will understand the jokes ... we merged with that intellect. I will introduce into our bodies and brains, to be healthier and live longer. "
Source: Man of the future - Eduardo Punset (Very Interesting)

not tell that scares me a bit! Because who knows, and I speak not in jest, if not we get out of hand, like so many other things, and within 200 or 1000 years did not see a Skynet * want out of the way human beings . I do not know ... well, so much so and we will not see, so for now enjoy the good side of technology, that is, a lot.

* Note for non-geeks: Skynet is evil system that rebels against human Terminator.


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