Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Best Beautiful Agony

Disorders lead to a destructive cult followers Famous People

By: Official College Psychologists S / C de Tenerife

usually most or all sects cause a series of injuries and disorders mostly physical and psychological, to their adherents, from minor to major severity. However, all the problems and / or consequences that may lead to sectarian adherents during his stay in these destructive groups depends mainly on three characteristics.

The first is the type of destructive cults. As seen above, not all sects reached in its own dynamics, structure and indoctrination, the same danger. Is not the same person who is adept in a destructive cult within the Grade B rated than one that belongs to a group of Grade C or Grade D

The second characteristic is the length of stay or residence of the adept in the sect which has been in question. Obviously, the negative effects of a destructive cult has on its followers, are not the same in an individual who has spent only three months, for example, than one who has spent more than four years.

And finally, the third feature is the physical and mental strength of the adept to brainwashing, ie, modification of thought. Not all people have, or have the same mental and physical strength to a "bombardment" constant dogmas, philosophies and theories without regard to a growing psychological pressure and constant over time, in an attempt to change his personality , emotions and feelings, to an alteration suddenly in the dream, a little food or vegetarian negatively, at a rate of overwork and nulamente paid, a check of the information, or a breakdown of family, marital, sexual, friendly, entertainment and more.

Among the damage or conditions that can lead to a destructive cult followers would, among many others, the following:

1. Personality change (PLC):

is one of the first effects of family / friends are noticing the sectarian. This includes personality change both attitudes and knowledge as essentially a standard of behavior. As the follower goes deeper introducing in the dynamics, structure and dogma of the sectarian group, the greater will be his personality change. The adept, well, you will be taught to respond or behave in a certain way to certain social situations or contacts with people outside the sect destructive. It is one of the negative effects of the sects that strongly influence the followers.

2. Strong dependence sectarian group:

Using an analogy, obviously with their limitations and differences, with the drug phenomenon, the adept you are creating sectarian group within a strong dependence on it. This dependency is increasing as remaining within the sect will lengthen over time.

That is why, when a follower out of a sectarian group during the first months and even years in some cases, can not live without constant reference to the sect which was destructive. It is as if something is missing, that something being the sect believe that dependence.

3. Fear (irrational) to anything other than the sect

Due to the change of thinking that is done constantly and handling and disturbance of emotions, feelings and thoughts, the adept you are getting gradually, and without aware of it many times, all sorts of fears, all irrational, senseless and without any basis or foundation. Fear of people worldwide and outside the sect, fear of not doing things right, fear of punishment, fear of the "beyond" fear the leader or his god, and so on.

4. High psychological disorders:

damage is one of the major disorders or performing destructive cults on their followers. In the same individual usually is enough of these disorders. The variety of disorders that destructive cults just getting their supporters to develop, covers virtually all clinical pathology, from the mildest to the most severe as paranoid and others.

5. Cancellation inner life / private (frustration, depression): Here we

one of the disorders or injuries, perhaps more depersonalizing that may exist, and that translates into total control of the life of the adept by the sectarian group. When a person is entering, slowly and inadvertently, in a sectarian group, one of the first things that will change until they almost disappear, it is intimate and private life. What results in the emergence of a number of frustrations and depressions having been "torn" something as precious as the right to privacy and private life that we all people.

6. Regression, backward child:

In many destructive cults, but not all, because coercive psychological pressure constant over time, with constant references to alleged "therapies" made the adept, and a number of features, the reasoning and mentality of the follower suffer not only a significant detail, but he ends up thinking and reasoning or having a mental age appropriate for a child or adolescent, adult. In some cases, even change the physical features of the face of the followers, haciéndoseles much more "childish."

7. Creating immaturity

Because the adept is stripped of all liability, which has only accountable to their leader and god only must obey and do what he is told and nothing else, the adept it becomes a totally immature person, without any responsibility, and incapable of making any decision on its own (the decisions are taken by him).

8. Low level reasoning / critical:

is one of the more serious consequences than just having the fans. When a person enters a destructive cult, we are significantly increasing their emotional side, and decreasing the most critical aspect of his or reasoning. Within a sectarian group is frowned upon and not allowed to reason or think for yourself. Fewer still, disagree with or go against the group leader. When a person gets out of a sectarian group immediately to help him get back to work and raise all its aspect of critical thinking, opinion, etc..

9. Physical impairment of the body:

is one of the basic pillars that underpin Destructive Cults and a key part of the brainwashing. Just for the sect could ever make a better change of thought to every adept in particular, they should bear the psychological defenses, and physical, as low as possible. So the subject feels incapable, not just to reason or to realize what happens, but to prevent or stop what they are doing.

The body's physical impairment is not only based on a strict vegetarian diet but also to have him working almost all day (more than thirteen hours), allowing him to sleep a few hours of interrupted sleep, long session meditation and prayers, many of them tired body postures, and so on., it is not surprising therefore that many girls and women who are in certain destructive sects (such as the Unification Church or Moonies), because psychological pressure and stress so strong that support daily and to effect all this has on the hormonal aspect, with amenorrhea (lack of menstruation).

10. Confinement outside world (reduction of the senses):

is another of the pillars, and harmful, not just the change of thought, based on Destructive Cults. Held incommunicado, gradually, a person around the world outside the cult, give you only the information generated within their own sectarian group, and make the follower is engaged increasingly in body and soul to the group, gives any reduction in the sensory aspect of a person.

11. Inability to reason coherently:

Due to the psychological pressure, stress and continuous stress, poor and poor nutrition, partial or total isolation with the world outside the sect, the acquisition of a new "language" in the sectarian group, the physical exhaustion, inability to make decisions, and emotional manipulation and thought, the more adept it becomes more difficult to reason in a manner fully consistent as it did before 'joining the destructive cult.

12. Break family ties, love, sex, effective, friendly, social, work, etc..:

is another key aspect of a destructive cult, and one of the first that they apply to the adept. To him, gradually and through a gradual change of thought will are facing with their families, couples, etc. The reason is basic and effective. The adept you are introduced gradually into the sectarian group you are facing with his family to break up with her, making her see that this is the cause of all ills and problems.

There are two reasons: First, that each may have less external references to the cult and can not compare the information you give it to you to give your family and so not out of the sectarian group, and the second reason is that if the follower has definitively broken with his family and at some point wants to leave the destructive cult that is, I think twice before leaving and will not anyone outside the cult.

13. Handling sexuality:

is another of the most important aspects that occur in a destructive cult to control their followers. Either in excess or mostly by default. Controlling an individual's sexuality can be finished to control many other facets of his personality. Destructive Cults In many followers are not matched according to their desires but on the basis of the cult leader, and this is who they say when they have to have sex, and when the woman has become pregnant, among many other sexual behaviors tax . The negative consequences of sexual control, will be a little later.

14. Anxiety:

Anxiety is one of the most common psychological disorders that occurs in all destructive cults. The adept is normally longer be in states of tension, making it easy to sectarian group his "indoctrination" thought reform and increasingly made within that group.

Anxiety, obviously, is produced by destructive cult itself through not only the disturbance of emotions and feelings but also by the great uncertainty of all kinds every day is adept at developing the cause of the total influence dynamics, structure and functioning of the sectarian group.

Anxiety is one of the factors which play major with Destructive Cults have increasingly controlled his followers. There have been many cases of fans that constantly keep situations because of anxiety have had a serious enough (along with other causes) such as depression and schizophrenia.

15. Insecurity:

The uncertainty factor is closely related to the anxiety that develops the adept during their stay in destructive cults. Insecurity just doing the adept a person unable to fend for himself and make their own decisions, among other damage.

16. Low self-esteem, little or no:

If anything were clear leaders de grupos sectarios es que han de conseguir que la autoestima de sus adeptos estén, como se suele decir "por los suelos". Con eso se consigue, entre otras cosas, una mayor obediencia al líder o líderes del grupo.

La disminución de la autoestima la va consiguiendo el adepto con gran rapidez cuando diariamente a éste le hacen ver que no solamente sus padres son los causantes de sus problemas o conflictos, sino que el mismo es también el causante de todo lo negativo que ha hecho en su vida.

Es por ello, que en muchas Sectas Destructivas, cuando los adeptos tienen que contar delante de los demás miembros toda su vida pasada, se aplaude y se refuerza exclusivamente aquellas situaciones o cosas negativas, mientras se ignoran the positive. That is, to a destructive cult followers were only reinforces the negative, never positive.

17. Lack of concentration and attention:

Due to the lack sensitive, more or less intense, the adept is having on the sectarian group, rupture with foreign ties to the sect, poor and bad food, and "readings "totally useless and counterproductive to force you to read within the group, the adept is losing more and more concentration and attention, and memory loss.

is why, when a follower leaves a destructive cult, one of the first questions that a professional has to do with him is when it recovers the ability not only critical thinking but also the concentration and attention.

18. Nightmares:

Nightmares is a fairly common disorder that often experience the former members. Most of them develop them during the first months of cessation of sectarian group, although there are many other ex-members that the drag on for years. If adults are serious this problem in children is even more, mainly when they come to mind the "hell" who lived in sectarian attacks, beatings and all kinds of abuse.

19. Depression:

Normally most (not all) followers who leave or are removed from a destructive cult, during the first months of sectarian withdrawal, often have depression of varying severity and intensity.

A person coming out of a sectarian group (especially if it has been for many years), which after all is a genuine totalitarian group, finds that returns to a society that was "ripped" but for him is something new, and conflicting values \u200b\u200bthat she has been taught during their stay in the destructive sects, with his family before entering.

This confrontation is often extremely strong for many former members who therefore end up developing all types of depression, among other pathologies. Not to mention the many supporters who develop depression during their stay in the cult, and where the slightest lack of support and professional treatment.

20. Disorders, diseases and sexual dysfunction:

As already mentioned, the direct or indirect manipulation of sexuality is one of the most important destructive cults use to control and manipulate their followers, socially and emotionally. Following are just developing a range of disorders or sexual dysfunction.

Between them, they would highlight the following: sexual repression, guilt, sexual fears, amenorrhea, sado-masochistic tendencies, anorgasmia secondary inhibition of sex drive, impotence secondary premature ejaculation, sexual phobia or avoidance, etc..

Thanks to Andrea Green for very interesting article! # classification-of-the-cult-of-the-doctrine

Fable 2 Fairfax Gardens

Workers Raise the FLAG, the PLAZA

Tomorrow will be donning the Plaza Fiesta. Tomorrow, we
Meanwhile, in a U.S. prison, our brother Tony Guerrero shares a poem that extols

"come to mind a verse of Angel Augier, verses ever lose force, because our capital Square and all along our streets and across our beloved country will never cease to be the people, revolutionaries, and they continue showing the world that our revolution, with solid drive everyone is invincible. So will this coming May 1.

I share with you this remarkable poem by the great Cuban poet.

Island Poem XLII in touch

Plaza of the Revolution, sand warm
invades a human sea:
hit the waves, the momentum
continues. Parade flags
and waving future
in this wind founder
in this wind screaming and hair raising,
slogans and waving hats and smiles.
sail like odors
voices in this undulating mass that
nourishes itself, and that space is open all afternoon
to calm storm progress.
The sun is reflected in numerous skin,
plural in this unit is shared as in waves or scales;
the sun burns at the tip of the buildings and thoughts ,
in the clouds and the fronts
and something that was not written
is present and powerful
and increase the pleasure and brightness of life
and there is a rumor deep as history is made,
that is cooked in this fire, this
irrepressible flaming substance,
in this whirlwind passionate.

The ego is dissolved in an us immense
in fact all of us. Water drops
who meet the sea, which is completed
in his image of Titan never vanquished.
is that the people already know
the secret of the sea, that
simple way to be a diverse,
to form a single great force that does not stop,
creative moves, which opens
roads and cliffs and mountains up
and never dispersed always renews
and remains the same.

Plaza of the Revolution, socket
victorious unit, trench
ardent peace with the people with tanks
and flags and dreams and rifles,
dimension where the chorus of the International
flows to cover the entire earth with
his warm human breath, stand
Marti in the hearts of the masses firm
who love and founded,
forum where all voices
bloom in one resounding voice
that reaches all areas
with the sound of Cuba in its echoes
as waves that break in the glow of a new world.

Five hugs.
Venceremos! Tony
April 27, 2011
FCI Florence

The square is ready to welcome the Cuban people in the celebration for more than half a century socialism, independence and sovereignty. Here I leave you with images taken at 2:00 pm on April 30, 2011.
Photos: Aday del Sol

Low And Hard Cervix Before Period

join Multiply action against injustice

"The World Peace Council granted the Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro, the olive tree of peace, as an example of constant struggle for peaceful coexistence among nations . Were recognized as well, because of its fight against terrorism and the preservation of peace, five Cuban patriots imprisoned in the U.S. since 1998. Gerardo Hernández, René González, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando González are serving sentences ranging up double life plus 15 years in prison for reporting on criminal plans anti-Cuban groups settled in the U.S. state of Florida. " (Prensa Latina )
Words Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada on the Executive Committee of the World Peace Council in Havana, on April 29, 2011

Cra Maria do Socorro Gomez


here We are honored that meets the Executive Committee of the World Peace Council, an institution that strives for coexistence harmony among nations and respect for the rights of peoples, and it has always done since its founding without hesitation when starting the Cold War.

were constant struggles to avoid military confrontation between the two blocks which are then divided the world. That war never broke although repeated imperial aggression against people who sought freedom from colonial domination. In those days they promised that overcome the cold war was to achieve general and complete disarmament and the abundant resources thus released would finance the development of third world countries. Not achieved neither one nor the other.

but ended the Cold War arms race intensifies, and there is no Warsaw Pact, but NATO increases its membership and extend its military action outside its original, first by invading Afghanistan and now bombing and massacring in Libya to protect people who said cynically. It becomes more serious the gap between rich and poor and almost no one remembers the old promises of international cooperation for development. Are becoming more obvious signs of environmental crisis that threatens to wipe out the human species and hunger strikes hundreds of millions around the globe.

You come to Havana shortly after completion of the VI Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, which mobilized the whole society to discuss our main problems and adopt necessary changes in our economic and social project. It was a Congress which was strengthened patriotic unity of the nation. All and all we will strive to build a better society to flourish in our own socialism, socialism possible in Cuba today.

are great challenges facing our people. Resist an economic war that has lasted over half a century, genocide longer history. We face other forms of aggression including terrorism that has killed or seriously damaging the thousands of our countrymen.

six years ago that Luis Posada Carriles, a confessed murderer, enjoy official protection from future crimes announces U.S. territory with impunity. To try to prevent such attacks were wrongly convicted and suffer cruel imprisonment of five compatriots to whom you have made a very special recognition.

deeply appreciate your solidarity. The Five are irrefutable proof that Washington is engaged in terrorism against the Cuban people. This is not a story of the past. Continues to do so now.

So on Monday April 25 this year, just five days, the prosecution claimed to be rejected summarily, without hearing or any consideration, the petition for habeas corpus on behalf of Gerardo Hernandez. Same reaction was later compared to the similar motion of Antonio Guerrero and René González. Washington wants the Miami court rejected these appeals without discussion, without reviewing the evidence, without even listening to a defendant that bypasses a huge sentence to two life sentences plus fifteen years.

secretly want to perpetuate a brutal injustice. It is the style of those who have created secret prisons and torture have been legalized.

think to do so with impunity because they have called the complicity of the media hiding the truth and prevent the American people know it. It's urgent call for solidarity of all honest people.

must be multiplied everywhere actions as you are doing and they deserve our gratitude. The only way to defeat the media dictatorship that is the main culprit of the Empire and also because of its infamy. That rises around the world claim with President Obama to release the five, each and every one of them, without exception without conditions.

Can U Make A Dummy Phone Work?

World Peace Council honors Fidel Castro

For Lianet Arias Sosa

rcbaez_fidelpaz.JPG (PL) The World Peace Council granted the Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro, the olive tree of peace, as an example of constant struggle peaceful coexistence among nations.

President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba, Ricardo Alarcon, received the award given to Fidel Castro, during the first day of the meeting of the Executive Committee of the organization.

According to the National Information Agency, the meeting will meet tomorrow in Beijing, attended by representatives from 40 countries.

The stimulus consists of a wooden sculpture representing the globe, crowned with the laurels of peace, the Greek artist's work Kosta Broken.

also the Brazilian Center of Solidarity with the Peoples and the Struggle for Peace gave Fidel Castro a painting by the artist Ediria Amazon, whose motif reflects the struggle and the historic demands of workers worldwide.

were recognized as well, because of its fight against terrorism and the preservation of peace, five Cuban patriots imprisoned in the U.S. since 1998. The

president of the World Peace Council, María del Socorro, stressed that the battle to defend the harmony and global justice, never relent in the effort to make the Cuban Five imprisoned soon return to their homeland.

also said the meeting attendees will march in Havana's Revolution Square on 1 May, International Workers Day.

to press reports America and Radio Nacional de Venezuela

Raimundo report Listen to RNV Urrechaga

Image added RCBáez

Friday, April 29, 2011

How To Substitute Rapadura

April 30

April 30 is the 120. º (one hundredth twentieth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. 121 th in leap years. 245 days left to finish the year. Sun in Taurus

Births 1245: Philip III, King of France.
1586: Santa Rosa de Lima, religious peruana.
1651: San Juan Bautista De La Salle, fundador de la orden de los Hermanos de las Escuelas Cristianas.
1734: Pedro López de Lerena, político español (m. 1792).
1770: David Thompson, explorador canadiense de origen inglés.
1777: Carl Friedrich Gauss, matemático y físico alemán.
1803: Albrecht Graf von Roon, militar prusiano.
1845: Oliveira Martins, escritor e historiador portugués.
1857: Eugene Bleuler, psiquiatra suizo.
1883: Indalecio Prieto, político español.
1901: Simon Kuznets, economista ruso-estadounidense, Premio Nobel de Economía en 1971.
1902: Theodore Schultz, economista estadounidense, Premio Nobel in 1979.
1908: Eve Arden, American actress.
1909: Queen Juliana of the Netherlands.
1910: Al Lewis, American actor.
1912: Manuel Gutierrez Mellado, military and vice president of the English Government.
1914: Dorival Caymmi, Brazilian musician.
1915: Pablo Perez Zañartu, engineer and politician in Chile.
1916: Claude Shannon engineer and mathematician. Father of information theory.
1932: Miguel de la Quadra-Salcedo, English reporter.
1932: Antonio Tejero Molina, English military coup.
1933: Willie Nelson, musician.
1936: Antonio García Bellido, Biologist, Professor and Researcher English.
1938: Hermann Espinosa, Colombian writer (d. 2007).
1938: Larry Niven, American author.
1944: Felix de Azua, English poet and novelist.
1944: Jill Clayburgh, American actress. (D. 2010)
1945: Michael Smith, American astronaut.
1946: Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden.
1949: António Guterres, Portuguese Prime Minister.
1954: Jane Campion, New Zealand filmmaker.
1955: Julio Cobos, Argentina's political engineer.
1956: Jorge Chaminé, Portuguese baritone.
1956: Lars von Trier, Danish film director.
1959: Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada.
1961: Isiah Thomas, American basketball player.
1964: Luis Livingstone, singer, songwriter and actor English.
1965: Adrian Pasdar, American actor.
1969: Paulo Jr., Brazilian bassist Sepultura.
1976: Amanda Palmer, American singer (The Dresden Dolls).
1979: Gerardo Torrado, Mexican footballer.
1980: Tania Lamarca, English gymnast.
1981: John O'Shea, Irish footballer.
1982: Lloyd Banks, rapper.
1982: Kirsten Dunst, American actress.
1982: Andrew Seeley, actor, singer and songwriter in Canada.
1984: Victoria Spence, New Zealand actress character in The Tribe.
1986: Dianna Agron, actor, singer, director and screenwriter
1987: Nikki Webster, Australian singer.
1988: Ana de Armas, Cuban actress.

Does Brahmi Oil Work?

What NOT to expect from Magic Elementals States or Qualities

By: Donald Tyson

Everyone who enters the magic ritual usually have more or less the same goal, he or she wants to conquer the world. They may or may not admit even to themselves, but they are thinking, imagine, just imagine, if you ask to learn to throw balls of lightning from the tips of my fingers, and tear down mountains, move the Moon out of orbit? .

Magic, almost has a female personality. She is very seductive to the newcomer. She loves it and encouraged by promises power. She caresses the imagination under the belt of all its possibilities. Each time the boy wizard is about to get discouraged, she lifts her veil and show her smile. This is more than enough to keep those who have the innate talent to be interested in magic, even when they see their desire for world domination diluted slowly in the fog.

The magic is seductive but wrong. She gives more than it takes. As she gently push away the gun, she put flowers in place. Instead of dominating the world, the magician gradually learns to command his own thoughts and passions. Instead of making others see things their way, the magician begins to see things as they are. After a time to dominate the world remains a very cool idea. Too much work.

You should not expect to control others with magic. If it is true that with a properly executed ritual magic power you can attract to annoy other people and change their relationships with it as you wish. However, everyone has their own will. The will is like an iceberg, is just the tip above the surface of consciousness. If you push someone magically, he can press it back with much more force. It may not be aware of what you are doing. The people seem very weak mentally and emotionally can be very strong at an unconscious level.

There is another factor to consider, which I mention only for the intelligent reader, and this discourages not fools. When you manipulate others against their will, no matter what level you do, you are polluting their own soul and being much worse and repellent it actually needs to be, if on the other hand, you behave honorably you are acting in harmony with their true nature, and may even find happiness as a result. Pressuring others can give satisfaction, but happiness. Happiness has value, satisfaction does not.

for the novice as dazzling as the promise of personal power is unlimited welfare perspective. Many people have the idea that if you are trained in magic can be rich themselves - but may have to bueno_ unscrupulous writers extend their selling fantasy books that guarantee instant cash by magic, even if you have never done magic before. Magic is not the way to get easy money. This is an art that requires discipline and dedication. Many of the rewards are intangible. A great sense of wellbeing, increased self-confidence, a clearer appreciation of the beauty of life, better physical and mental magic _ these are things that will get everyone whose heart is open to it.

You can do money magic. Many people do, or using it to open a business for themselves and help them in their careers, or selling their magical abilities to others. But it is not easy to make money with magic as it would with any other honest and hard work. If there is a law eternal and unchanging in the universe, is there is no free lunch. Never. Nowhere. At the moment you think you're getting something for nothing, it's time to start slowing down and back.

Glamour feeds the magic all vices, and lust is the first in the list. The magic of love is as old as time itself. A line from the Eclogues of Virgil says, "while the clay hardens, and the wax melts in the same fire, and let it melt Daphne love for me and for others to harden "(Eclogue VIII, ll. 80-1). This magic is perfectly done, but is of questionable morality. Amaryllis What right had to say who should or should not love Daphne tying If she triumphed Daphne's love, does she really believed the truth would ever pleased and happy for their future years together? Would not it be more likely to end up hating her, even though he could not leave? But maybe she just thinks of herself, in the glory of conquest, pride of possession, and does not care if Daphne is happy or not, as long as the owner. No matter what your feelings, that could hardly be considered only love though often call it that.

You can use magic to find a lover, but this can be done in an intelligent or less intelligent. If you are looking for love, you invite him in a way that is harmonious with its natural essence. First, you may need a ritual to discover what their true nature. Few people see themselves clearly. They are often attracted to people who have qualities you admire but do not possess themselves. If you really have a person in mind, you should use art to transform themselves and their circumstances to make the other look for your company, instead of trying to attract would-be lover.

Following about other motivations for power, money and sex, the list is the famous magical seductions. Who would dare to say that has not fantasized about taking the magic wand and operate a marvel here, a miracle there, to get the applause of thousands Suppose you can save someone from a terminal cancer - not just anybody, somebody really important and valuable. Or suppose that could ignite the Olympic flame in the next Olympics muttering a word of power and a gesture. Imagine the publicity!

Sorry, but the magic does not work that way. You may have something to do with the fact that the magic depends on the belief, that magic transcends the laws of nature and thus is unpredictable, or that magic is directly related to awakening the higher self unconscious. If you can not be sure you have a moral code, at least we can confirm that if you have sense of humor. For whatever reason why any self-proclaimed "master of the occult" than advertising for a miracle, is doomed to fail.

I have a confession to make, I never levitated, walked on water, since life the dead, on fire with my mind, become a wolf, or guessed the winning lottery number. Perhaps that makes me less than a magician. In truth there are many people out there who claims to be able to perform these miracles. However, I have not seen them. Am I eager to say that such things are impossible Of course not, that statement would be a fiasco. But I have not done and I've never seen it.

On the other hand, I have done many things that most people would call unusual. I have communication with the spirits, for example, in a variety of ways. And it's not exactly that spirits are pro se that I have spoken with them and contacted a good number of them.

Also, I have become invisible. This may perhaps require a brief explanation. Be magically invisible does not mean that other people can not you see, means you will not notice. This is strange, but at the same time is a bizarre sense of freedom. Also, I left my body and looked over the - but just where was I when astral traveling, or wherever he was in any dimension of space that was that, it's all a matter of conjecture.

I'm not those people telling about themselves experiencing a gold what I do. This is difficult to be verified by the scientific method. However, the silence has been necessary if there was any chance of succeeding. The only way to be certain that a ritual is going to fail to inform in advance people who are not connected with it. In magic the silence is only a matter of discretion, is a practical necessity.

Source: Llewellyn page.

Translated by: Andrea Green, Green Witch

Globby Yellow Cervical Mucus

Each of the four elements has three states or qualities, called respectively: cardinal, fixed and mutable or common states. We consider the physical properties of water as an analogy here as well, the chemical elements present in several states. Water, for example, is liquid in its real standard. Viewed astrologically this would be the pivotal state. When it freezes, it takes a solid form, astrologically This would correspond to steady state. When heated, it transforms into steam - comparable to the mutable state in astrology. In the individual horoscope, the placement of the planets in cardinal signs, fixed and mutable also reveals basic traits of personality. Cardinal

initial stage, making decisions, encourage nature to a new period of thrust.

People with an emphasis on cardinal signs have the urge to take the lead and to shape things. Are initiators and act according to its aims and objectives.

cardinal signs: Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn Fixed


achievements, it is most evident and makes the season, the weather is more static, little changed.

People with an emphasis on fixed signs have a desire to build on what already exists and to organize more efficiently. Tend to preserve a "status quo" and act in response to the circumstances.

fixed signs: Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus


Stage of change, adaptation, no time to start looking things or accomplishments, is the stage of exchange, collection of experience and need to accept the road and follow nature to the next station.

People with an emphasis in common or mutable signs tend to seek change and renewal. Can easily replace one thing with another and align their actions with development processes.

Mutable Signs: Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo

Scotch That Comes In A Green Bottle


Eight words the Wiccan Rede is: Do what you want, while anyone dañes

The Wiccans have a creed happy, but at the same time social ecologically and morally responsible. They enjoy the world around them (humans, animals, plants and the Earth itself) based on their minds, bodies, emotions and senses, and delight in them lying next to his companions, the other living beings.

Wiccan Ethics is to allow more than prohibitive. The morality of Witchcraft is more concerned about the "Blessed are." In the "NO". The ends of the ascetic masochism in one hand and gross materialism in the other, for the wiccan are two sides of the same coin, because both distort the fullness of human beings and reject one or more of its values. Wiccans believe in the balance of human beings in all their functions.

This is clearly manifested in the Charge of the Goddess:

"Let praise flow in the heart of those who rejoice, behold all acts of love and pleasure are my ritual. And so let the beauty there and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, celebration and reverence among you. "

is worth noting and maintain these qualities in perfect balance:

Beauty and Power Power and Compassion

Honor and Humility and Reverence Celebration

and meditate on them as a model for balanced ethics, while remembering that each of these qualities are possible and not restrictive. Compassion means empathy, not condescension, humility mean real recognition of their state of evolution, not self-sufficient, dignified reverence capacity to marvel ( essential quality of the wiccan), not only take your hat or cross themselves when passing a iglesia.Y the Wizard always knows that Compassion must be accompanied by power, humility and honor, and reverence for the celebration.

The Charge continues:

"And those who believed in looking (a Goddess) seeking or claiming to know that I find, unless they know the mysteries, that if what they seek is not found within you, never find out. Here I was with you from the beginning, and so that is achieved at the end of desire "

This is also an ethical statement. For the warlock, self-development and implementation of unique and complete person, with multiple respects it is a moral duty. Everything that supports evolution is good, and all that is evil abridging, and each of us is a factor in the process of cosmic evolution. So one must not only himself but all mankind, to seek within you and unleash that potential.

Evolution, in this sense does not mean a mere Darwinism (although that really defined one way, one of the levels of cosmic evolution that expresses itself). It is the ongoing process by which the creative force of the universe appears "down" through all levels, with increasing complexity, and is itself fueled by the complexity (in terms Kabbalistic cycle Kether - Malkuth - Kether). This is a profound concept that deserves further study of a lifetime (or several lives), but while many witches are dedicated to the study of this profound philosophy, most are more concerned with earthly and convenient for their daily activities.

For this relationship to the cosmic process, the scale at which we can see how it affects us all, witches come to Earth as a living organism. And this attitude - physical, mental, psychological and spiritual - is the heart of the old religion.

Thanks to my friend Andrea Green for this interesting topic.

This item was referred to me by Andrea Green

Does Your Cm Get Blood In It Before Af?

Calendar Magic Witchcraft, Beltane

fire Beltane, Bealtinne (Caledon), Festival Tana (Strega), Walpurgis (Teutonic )
Date: May 1 .
sacred Beltane is the celebration of marriage, whether between Goddess and God. It is the festival dedicated to the cult of fertility, which we planted flower seeds. Usual dance around bonfires or bat of May or even jump over the fire. In Christianity, the month of May is devoted to the Virgin Mary and is called the month of flowers. This ancient festival fertility and sexuality hails amazing capacity of nature to self-fertilize. Located at the beginning of May, when the world is full of sensual vitality, Beltane connects us with the flowering that is taking place everywhere around us.
Beltane is a day to appreciate our bodies and divine capacity for pleasure. The ancient festival of Beltane honored to sex in its creative aspect, as the bearer of joy and generator of new life. When we imagine our ancestors waving garlands of flowers around the "Maypole" (Maypole), which is at once both a phallic symbol as representing the great World Tree remember a time when sex was not a sin (when making love without guilt, openly, in the fields was a sacred act, as such it was believed, helped to obtain a larger harvest in autumn).
Beltane is the vindication of the body as something sacred. If possible, should celebrate Beltane in a forest or near a tree. If it is not possible, it is a good idea to bring a small tree in a pot in the circle. We must create a
said or remember about the wedding of the Goddess and God, that we hang from tree branches. These can be bags filled with flower petals, garlands, carvings or anything else that comes to mind.
start arranging the altar, and tracing the circle. Standing before the altar, with a raised hand, saying:
Mother Goddess, Queen of the Night and Earth,
God the Father, King of the Day and Forests,
celebrate their union as nature rejoices.
flares in spirited color and life accept my gift,
Mother Goddess, Father God,
In honor of their union. (
put the jewel in the tree).
of their union will be the new life, a profusion of living creatures will cover the fields and the winds will blow pure and sweet.
Elder Gods, I celebrate with you.
Beltane Some traditional practices are braided or woven, or other activities that show the union of two parties to form a third, since this is the spirit of Beltane.
Beltane meals may be all those that carry milk, barley, wheat or oats, or if you want something more sophisticated, vanilla ice cream.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bathroom Travertine Paint

Pale Blue Dot

A little more than science. Or philosophy. Or rather of philosophy derived from science. Following the comment in an entry book Carl Sagan "The Demon-Haunted World" , Esti my partner sent me a text which makes American scientist synopsis, or summarizing another of his books entitled " Pale Blue Dot ".

The book is based on a photograph (it seems that at the request of Sagan himself) the spacecraft Voyager 1 brought to Earth from 6,000 million miles away, where you can see our planet as a tiny practically insignificant blue dot in the vastness of the universe.

Photography "Pale Blue Dot" taken by the Voyager 1 - NASA

This circumstance is used by Sagan as a starting point to shape a perspective on the place of humans in the universe and hence on the relevancy of our behaviors, ideologies and customs. As I asked in the post about Aristarchus of Samos and helicentrismo, are we really so important? Perhaps the answer is simply yes. Or maybe it's not. It is virtually the mystery of life, and surely this is we end up without knowing the solution, but at least we would all do well in planteárnoslo.

I leave the text that referred to the principle:

"Look at that point. That's here. That's home. That's us. It is everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone one they ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader", every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there - on a mote of dust suspended in a shaft of sunlight.
Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a point. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our positions, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have a privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.
Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.
Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is no other place, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, yet no. Like it or not, at this moment the Earth is where we make our stand.
has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character building. Perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to treat each other more kindly, and to preserve the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known. "

I Always Get A Wedgy When I Wear A Thong

Call for the Second Conference for Our Alternative Martiana America. (ALMA)

Eighth Draft Request email ALMA

(This eighth draft was prepared by the authors of the above, the Lawyers Orlando Licea Díaz and Eulogio Rodriguez Millares, who tried to incorporate the hundreds of suggestions and proposals received by Internet as well as participants in the workshops held in Mexico ( two workshops), Caracas, Havana and finally in Monterrey and Saltillo, "in which prominent intellectuals and political revolutionaries. Remains open to debate as the eighth draft, to further refine the proposal.

The May 18, 2008 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Dr. Armando Hart Davalos, Director of the Office of Cuba Martí Program and Mr. Eulogio Millares Rodriguez then Consul General of Cuba in Monterrey, endorsed the commitment to call for the construction of the new thinking of the XXI Century on the initial stone in 2006, President Hugo Chavez began in Havana, Cuba to convene to build an Alternative Martiana (ALMA) as the Bolivarian Alternative (ALBA), governmental mechanism for regional integration , walks through our America, but lacked the instrument for popular mobilization and the philosophical that would give continuity to the Bolivarian dream of Martí and integration of our America: hence the Soul of ALBA.
From that time to the work and ideas of these two architects: Dr. Armando Hart Dávalos and Mr. Eulogio Rodriguez thousands, make up the First International Committee and the local organizing committee to begin work on this idea. With this basic structure was convened to "The First International Conference Juarez Lincoln Marti in the soul of Our America," in October 2009 in Monterrey, NL, Mexico.
Our thinking tool can not copy any other model, but a genuine expression of our traditions and history of our experiences and cultures, we have to incorporate the thinking of all the great men of our America and the world.
To meet the challenges of the world today, it is urgent to work on Martiana Alternative for Our America (ALMA), if we foster the unity of all forces struggling for a better world, and thus help prevent the extinction of the human species and life on earth. We note that the transformation of the world today and particularly in Latin America inevitably involves the conquest of the second independence of our peoples, which requires the emergence of a new way of thinking, a new philosophy Century, which is the guide the drive to find the path of unity of all those fighting to eradicate the current system of injustice and social exclusion, discrimination of all types and of imperial domination in all corners of the earth. It is achieving both Latin American unity and integration, to establish a new relationship of respect with the United States and Canada and with all nations of the world.
We coordinating the activities of all social and political movements, which increasingly stronger, emerge and develop, for the sake of the common good of humanity. This stage would be a prerequisite for achieving the ultimate victory united against injustice and arbitrariness imposed by big business, threatening the very existence of human beings on earth. That culture, economics and politics of humble dress, Indian, exploded, a woman, child, poor, black ... and strive hard with them for the final redemption of all human beings.
The challenges we face, forced to create a cultural offensive on our peoples and nations, between nations and between generations, characterized by the need to achieve emancipation and freedom of our people, and this route passes through the critical rescue the history of our American and Caribbean peoples. Of course, taking into consideration the critical rescue the history of mankind, which are the theories that made possible the political practice for transit companies higher.
The civilization crisis we face today can be extended and with it the suffering of the population, including the increasingly evident possibility of extinction of human life on earth. It is necessary to confront the hegemonic power of world imperialism to reverse this situation and lessen the impact and suffering caused by traffic to a new society. Require the unity of all progressive social forces struggling for a better world, and this may be possible through a process of struggle of ideas for finding the path to follow in that clash. SOUL plays a fundamental role not only for the countries of ALBA, but for the world.
The Center for the Study of Latin American Ideal, SC, as a member of the International Committee of the First and Second International Conference of Alternative Martiana and born as a partner to ALMA.
A All Commissions or Committees ALMA of Mexico, Cuba, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and all other Latin America and the Caribbean and the world, including U.S., Canada, Italy, who were linked to the first international conference to continue the process of building the new XXI century philosophical or cultural historical platform ; by:
1 .- Carry forward the proposal to create a cultural offensive, so start expanding the process of discussion and input to the draft document VIII historical cultural platform that we attach to this call.
2 .- To strengthen and improve the organization of committees of the soul that exists in each country and of the Commission or the International Committee of the Soul
3 .- Form new committees by country, looking the greater socialization of the proposal may within social movements, social and political organizations in each nation.
4 .- Work on the basis of conduct between June and October 2011 a meeting of committees of ALMA in each country to discuss the draft of the Historic Cultural Platform which is attached. (VIII to this day) and propose any suggested modifications to these workshops to consider. From these workshops will develop the draft document of the soul of each country, based on Cultural Historical Platform in the final form it takes.
5 .- Start at the same time the organizational work for the Second International Conference ALMA at the end of 2011. It is proposed to the city of Mexico City as a place for the meeting. Taking first the proposals to give the committees ALMA host country and coordinating these with the international committee to achieve the broadest consensus Resumption purposes, objectives and proposals raised in the call that was made for implementation in Caracas Venezuela in 2010, which as is known was suspended. We must conclude a first stage of this year ALMA delivering to the heads of state of the countries of ALBA Cultural History of the Platform, a document widely discussed and agreed in each country and the second International conference.
6 .- working on the new website:, the idea that this represents all the committees or commissions.
Finally we ask all recipients of this announcement, to promote the widest possible to again put before the public this project so much political significance.
"To each according to his ability, to each according to his work capacity and education. So there will be no privileged classes or unfair preferences" Socialism is the natural tendency to improve the condition or the free development of physical and moral. "Benito Juárez

" With a decree of Hamilton is not for the chest to pony plains. With a sentence of Sieyes not desestanco the clotted blood of the Indian race. For what it is, where it rules, must be addressed in order to govern well, and good government in America is not the one who knows how to govern in German or French, but who knows what elements are in fact their country and guiding as you can go in together, to arrive, methods and institutions created by the country itself, to that desirable state where each man knows and exercises, and enjoy all the abundance that nature made for all the people who fertilize their work and defend with their lives. "
José Martí.

"I do not intend to implement in our environment, servile copies of revolutions made in other climates, in places we do not understand certain transformations, in other more advanced our thinking but we would be blind if Negas the step forward taken by the man on the road of liberation. "
Julio Antonio Mella.

"We are not sure, that socialism in America is carbon copy. Must be a heroic creation. We must inspire our own reality, in our own language, the Indo-American socialism "José Carlos Mariategui

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Reflections on the anniversary of the Bay of Pigs: Each school with a strength of the Revolution

By Philip J. Perez Cruz

Like all great historical events, the significance of the Bay of Pigs victory opens a wide pitch for historiographical insight. The drama and heroism of military confrontation, the battle itself to occupy Playa Larga and Playa Girón, the actions of neutralizing plans Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the capital and other cities, and popular support for military and political mobilization across the country, are events that have taken the job justice of the still small detachment of historians who have placed the Revolution in the center of our object of study. Precisely the results obtained confirm that there are still aspects on which we must deepen.

"In our country the ideas fought their battles by events," said the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, memorable report to the First Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba [1] , but not yet have revealed this important enough specificity of the Cuban revolutionary process. And before, during and immediately after the Bay of Pigs, the battle for the ideological-cultural hegemony forms a central axis of class struggle, which explains and supports the epic itself Cubans who lived between 1959 and 1961. Education will face this reality a leading role.

In Cuba the facts of culture are closely interwoven with political struggles. From the history of the school and teaching can be built Cuban national historic course, their opponents and major battles. As we commemorate the 50 anniversary of the declaration the socialist character of the revolution and the victory of Playa Girón, also evoke cardinal events in the history of education.

mercenary invasion on April 17-19, 1961 would be the most serious attempt by imperialism against the mass education movement that the revolution had unleashed.

The mass education movement [2 ]

The liberation war was the most defining cultural event of the life of the Cuban nation, by ensuring their final independence. The cohesion of the masses after the postulates Moncada Program [3] , the participation of the workers, peasants and popular sectors in the Rebel Army, in organizations and revolutionary cells in the civic resistance movement, trade unions and the great general strike January of 1959, were dynamic factors patriotic reaffirmation national movement which was unleashed after the revolutionary victory of January 1, 1959 and in subsequent days.

As never before in U.S. history, the driving forces of national liberation movement were able to unfold without interruption in achieving its goals emancipation. The working class, the peasantry redeemed, students and progressive intellectuals, acting in concert to transform the social order, and solve the fundamental problems of the country. Multiply in fact a genuine mass revolutionary social movement. At this juncture, the political and cultural vanguard validated his ability to drive through the articulation of the principles happy Marti, Marxist and Leninist, learning constant, honesty, exemplary, personal courage and boldness [4] .

This move will create socio-political bases and the historical need for the birth of a new educational movement. From the most comprehensive articulation of the national popular sectors as a substantial part of a larger project of national liberation ultimately, led by the new cultural and political art, which defeated the pro-imperialist dictatorship, the educational movement would be called upon to face serious problems .

The low educational level of the population, as well as his poor health, was a major obstacle to national development, and above all conscious and organized incorporation of the majority of the revolutionary process. The chaotic state education to the triumph of the Revolution can be seen through the eloquent details:

50 percent of school-age children - about 800 000 - did not attend school. There were only 170 000 classrooms when needed double. Most schools were located in urban and semi urban areas. Of those enrolled, third grade did not exceed 285 000 children and only 6 of them complete sixth grade. Were outdated because of their age with the level students were enrolled in 500 000 primary and 200 000 of them over 12 years of age. Adult education was reduced to a few night schools in which only 2 965 students were enrolled. Paradoxically

in Cuba of the Batista dictatorship, more than ten thousand teachers were unemployed. In a predominantly agricultural country, there were only six farms, schools established in 1909, with an enrollment close to ninety students. Technological education was taught only in a media center that was technical, the rest-about 17 -, graduated skilled workers [5] .

The Ministry of Education, inherited from colonialism, and lack of an educational system , educational, scientific and coherent, properly articulated in their levels. Was for other riddled with bureaucracy and corruption.

Despite the patriotism and the delivery of master Cuban public, professional force formed by the neocolonial state had a weak access to the latest scientific educational base. Had to be eradicated not only the intellectual, the verbiage and memorization, but also to develop the scientific worldview of the majority of teachers. Also fighting positions sterile burdened by prejudices seudoprofesionales unionism.

The most serious problem was concentrated in the high rate of illiteracy. According to official data, four Cubans, one was illiterate, and the level of the rest did not exceed the first three grades. Census data conducted in 1953, reflecting the contrasts of uneven development. While in urban areas only 11.6 percent of the people were illiterate in the country this index came to 41.7 percent. In the territory of present eastern provinces was 35.5 percent. The official rate of illiteracy stood at 23. 6 percent - 1032849 of Cubans and Cuban- [6] , but these figures were strongly disputed by contemporaries .

revolutionary Making

The Moncada program as revolutionary cultural educational project, defined as a central measure to transform the neocolonial educational system, conducting a comprehensive reform teaching. The orientation of this reform was therefore clearly defined from the progressive tradition of the Cuban school, one that the priest Félix Varela revolutionary and national hero José Martí, articulated knowledge and belief. The realization of such reform, by their nature release and the structural nature of the proposed change, said the completion of other tasks at hand. On 19 January 1959 establishing the Commission of Inquiry and Purification of Staff of the Ministry of Education [7] .

face reactionary culture imposed by imperialism and its native followers, the Revolution begins to develop the elements of democratic and popular culture that were present in our people, especially recovers the feeling Marti with his love for man, human dignity, equality and freedom, with its central concept of independence and anti-imperialism, where national culture is assumed self as supreme guideline, implementation and defense of the Cuban and universal. In this direction the organization of the education system is one of the most vital fronts. This worked to make education the fundamental interests of the Revolutionary Government, and the question of public opinion. The maximum Marti " Being educated is the only way to be free" [8] , was taken as the guiding principle of educational efforts
As the revolutionary forces resolved the political tasks of the consolidation of revolutionary power [9] and created the historical premises for carry out the political, social and economic radicals, assumed leadership of the Revolution as a priority the strategic importance of popular education and literacy. To this end, the work will not only enshrine the Ministry of Education, also from the Rebel Army and the National Institute of Agrarian Reform (INRA) since its inception with the law of May 17, 1959.

The ideological and cultural work that promotes the Revolutionary Government operates in an environment infested with the ideas and prejudices that the oligarchy and imperialism had been planted in the social consciousness, and the school and the teachers do not were free from such evils. With teachers who do not join the revolutionary positions, their limitations and ideological training class reactionary, will continue a policy of persuasion.

at all times is to establish a clear distinction in the fields of ideological confrontation. The debate of ideas, the growth of revolutionary concepts and attitudes will be an enrichment process within teaching, you definitely win the Revolution. Covert political activity to counter union reasons, you will receive an exclusive nature and weight of the political offensive revolutionary.

As part of the participatory politics of the revolutionary government the issue of education reform is put to public debate. So on November 9, with the presence of President Osvaldo Dorticos Torrado, start at the Capitol, the public information sessions on the reform being prepared by the Ministry of Education. This information included twelve sessions in which hundreds of teachers in the capital and other regions.

December 23, the Law 680 of the Reform of Education, which gave legal force to the will of educational change that was already moving to action revolutionary implemented so far [10] . The Reform of Education pending the Cuban scene from the time of the 1940 Constitution, the law was complemented truly democratic and nationalist budgets that constitution.

In 1960, Agrarian Reform, is the sharpening of class struggle, to intensify the confrontation to the politics of economic, international siege and counter-terrorism of U.S. imperialism, and finally recovery of the main economic resources -productive in the hands of U.S. monopolies. And it will also implement the Comprehensive Education Reform. While lack competent technical staff, shortages of facilities, meager pedagogical knowledge, poor statistics and many other difficulties, it undertakes the task. The undertaken with the concept that this would be a continuous learning process with a proactive and reform.

now also the process of assessment by the masses of the need for education, new modes of expression reaches with the increasing role of workers in the direction of management and production processes companies and production units seized and nationalized by the revolutionary state.

Revolution not only had to win to his project to the majority of teachers, but also forging new art teachers able to assume new educational missions. Thus arises in April through the convening of Fidel, the first contingent of volunteer teachers: "We need " says the revolutionary leader - thousand teachers who want to do to teach rural children . they needed us help to improve the education of our people and for farmers learn to read and made useful for any task men " [11] . Mil

high school students - with a third-year level - take the step forward to go to educate children in the countryside and mountains. The first contingent of these novice teachers is organized in collaboration with the Department of Cultural and Technical Assistance to Farmers of INRA. Followed the first one similar contingent of students, and then a third of more than one and the preparatory period was extended to three months.

The concept of work and the study was present from the first moment of the creation of the training plan volunteer teachers. "Those teachers - said Armando Hart Davalos, Minister of Education - will overcome and perfected and most perfectly there will have contact with the farmer [12] .

Young people who went to meet a difficult task under the teacher's name insurrection hero Frank País, were the first group of rural teachers needed by the Revolution. It was the new intelligentsia that was Marti's legacy in the same Rebel Army combat scenarios.

Strengthening the national education system, the achievement of full enrollment with the addition of 800 000 children not attending schools in January 1959, the beginning of the fight against illiteracy, the work of education and modernization of the most disadvantaged young people and adults are actions that characterize the educational work in the first year of the Revolution.

course for 1960 - 1961 worked on the creation of 15 000 new rural classrooms, but the problem Not only was the number of new schools, the truth was that in the mountains and intricate places where lacked communications and other services, and life was very hard, many schools were constructed. The school cities could help solve the problem, but being unusually large child population, the ultimate was to put the school in more remote rural communities. This multiplies the need to train thousands of teachers to the mountains, able to stay and live in these places, in conditions similar to those of the peasants.

Promotion by all means government of the extent of the most diverse cultural and social services, in a rising climate of cultural life and political development of the foundations of our democratic culture that failed to destroy colonialism; create the objective conditions for it to manifest in the country a qualitative change in conditions and circumstances of education as a social process.


The path followed to defeat the Revolution was to eradicate illiteracy first, the causes of its emergence as a social problem. This was achieved in order to achieve full enrollment of children and young people in the first two years after the triumph, and in this way, create the necessary primary classrooms, and reorganize and strengthen secondary education, with emphasis on the technological institutes.

The March 5, 1959 establishing the National Functional Literacy and Education [13] and both the first and the second year of the Revolution literacy activities are performed. But not until the third year, which undertakes the final battle in the adult population illiterate. Very significant is the fact that where you first start the battle for literacy in early 1959, the ranks of the Rebel Army. Commanders Ernesto Che Guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos in this task will have a singular role. Frank Masters quotas advanced countries in the Cuban countryside to combat illiteracy.

In August 1959, the First National Congress of rural teachers, a proposal of the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, approved the decision to open 10,000 new classrooms. They urged educators Fidel: "I invite no selfishness, but the patriotism ... in this unique opportunity to our country, not a single teacher is expecting, you do not run one child waiting " [14] . New teachers would charge half the salary and this helped open classrooms twice.

In October 1960, the National Literacy and Basic Education, underwent a complete reorganization and was renamed the National Literacy Commission. Armando Hart, the guidance given by Fidel demonstrated that efforts had been done could be multiplied, that the idea of \u200b\u200bmassification and democratization of educational and cultural services, should find a much more favorable, and the Commission work on new bases [15] .

The inclusion of representatives of the revolutionary multi-movement led the rebellion on July 26, Directorio Revolucionario 13 de Marzo and the Popular Socialist Party-state institutions, organizations newly emerging revolutionary masses, militias, institutes and civil society associations, the National Literacy Commission and provincial and territorial commissions, would be a crucial step in the design of the direction of the campaign. It was a spur of responsibility to the enthusiastic participation of revolutionary masses.

Without replacing the school as a key agency, not the teacher as the element leader and motivator par excellence, the new integration is favored in the National Literacy Commission broadened the horizon of educational activities and instructive beyond the normal framework of the Ministry and the school, enriched by the dynamism and initiative of multiple social and political subjects to join him.

counterrevolutionary activity

Reorganization and cleaned up the Ministry of Education in 1959 [16] , preparation and development of the first academic year of the Revolution, is conducted at a time when it sharpens political and ideological struggle within the revolutionary camp, and begin to develop counter-plans organized by the Central Intelligence Agency United States (CIA). They occur both in the cabinet political crisis between February and July and the departure of right-wing elements, and is thwarted in August invasion of the Dominican tyrant Rafael Leonidas Trujillo [17] . In October, the dangerous attempt defeat the traitor Huber Matos, Commander of the Rebel Army in the province of Camagüey [18] .

educational reform process is advanced as the strength of the class enemies of the Revolution: The private school as a capitalist enterprise, and the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and several churches from the U.S. oriented, own in good measure of many educational institutions, will lead the onslaught of the reaction.

In the education sector there are statements and articles that "warn" about "totalitarianism" in education. Sermons and Parochial sheets claim that communism is to be introduced in schools. At the same time, fueling racist prejudices against black teachers have found the Revolution occupation. Learned criteria members of the Association of Educators and the School of Education at the University of Havana, "warn" about the danger of improvisation in the training of teachers, , with the aim to discredit the emerging training plans for teachers.

The image of "communist," "black", and inexperienced young men, arriving at the schools with the no less controversial kind of attack on freedom of education, constitute the two central lines of the enemy propaganda. Anti-racism and then give his fiercest battle of class.

For two decades the drafting and enactment of the Educational Reform under the 1940 Constitution, was opposed by the oligarchy and the reactionary clergy. The promulgation by the Revolution of the Law 680 attracted a strong campaign of the eternal enemies of cultural emancipation.

mentioned in the public information law made education reform in the National Capitol in November 1959, representatives of private schools organize a open provocation. Interrupt the program and scream for a self-proclaimed freedom of education. Again be the order of the day, the sustained conflict that historically led to contend for a Cuban school, the most illustrious thinkers and educators in the country.

Soon, emulating the bandits and terrorists, clergy and address Falangist private school desempañarían an active role counter [19] . Not a few tutors and leaders of youth organizations, religious organizations and subversive plans articulate directly linked the CIA, in a vast conspiracy [20] .

Dialectics-defense education

provocations progress made against the Comprehensive Reform of Education - were unmasked by the body Fidel people. In a massive act with students, in commemoration of the events of November 27, 1871 [21] : "in many of these sites counter preaches openly preached hatred of the country are openly ... preaches class hatred openly ...".

Fidel pedagogical expertise, the masses stood in the center PROBLEM: How explains that the revolutionary government against the growing threat of their enemies, international gang complicit in increasingly close to the national response conspire against the country, but one by one will go delivering the strengths? (...) Because from the first day of January, since the triumph of the Revolution, each school has become a fortress of the Revolution " [22] .

The belligerent forces reactionary updates from the school grounds, the dialectical relationship between defense and education. main contradiction between the nation and U.S. imperialism, took a prominent place, interpenetrating all walks of life and complicates further the national scene. Then the elevation of educational work to the level of struggle in defense of the Revolution, was presented as a necessity, and mass education movement tasks completed qualifying cultural emancipation as a condition of escape from alienation libertarian.

The great national motivation for the deployment of an unprecedented mass education movement would be the goal of freedom from illiteracy to more than 900 000 Cubans. This movement was for the time the core of mobilizing patriotic, ethical and political scenarios in the Zapata Swamp would become a decisive force for the military defeat of the mercenaries of the empire.


Reflections on the anniversary of the Bay of Pigs: The battle for literacy
Philip J. Perez Cruz

The historic significance of the declaration of the socialist character of the revolution and the victory of Playa Girón, which just 50 years commemorate, beyond the fact of war and the heroism that is immanent. The fighting in the Zapata Swamp multiply in a series of events, expressed with particular force the whole huge process of change was tested and achieved success in the days of April 1961.

air strikes and directed the mercenary invasion organized by the government of the United States between April 15-19 1961, also included a failed attempt to destroy the impetuous advance of democratization and mass of the Cuban education . An act of war against the National Literacy Campaign that was just beginning.

reactionary violence by attempting to crush the Revolution, saw buried in ignorance and illiteracy. Evidenced by the events themselves, the story is confirmed in their indisputable facts.

1961: The immediate story

The January 1, 1961 start for the Revolution as "Year of Education" and its main shareholder is the official declaration of the start of the campaign National Literacy. The essentially emancipatory cultural battle that Cuba was prepared, immediately receives the impact of U.S. aggression.

On January 3, Cuba broke off relations with the government of the North, an act that would trigger an escalation of counterrevolutionary activities. On January 5 the terrorist plot designed from Washington, lands his first crime against the "Year of Education" and the nascent National Literacy Campaign. Is killed in the Escambray young volunteer teacher Conrado Benítez García [23] . "was poor, was black and was a teacher. That is three reasons why agents of imperialism was murdered, a young man was black, was a teacher, was poor and was a worker. Here are two reasons why the agents of imperialism killed him [24] ", define Fidel Castro.

February 6 to address Electromechanical Jesuit School of Bethlehem invites students to strike. On February 22 the counter returns to collect the valuable life of another young literacy. Pedrito Quintana Miguel Morejon, literacy young people of 20 years, is brutally stabbed and hanged with barbed wire, in San Pedro Mayabón, province of Matanzas. On Tuesday 28 February, a bomb detonated Nobel Academy, located on the Avenue of October 10, in the Havana neighborhood of the Viper, with the balance of several students, particularly girls and one of her teachers, injured.

March 10 students from Catholic schools carry out counter-provocation in Holguin, then savagely beat one of their own classmates who are in favor of the Revolution. The slogan of the triggers is "Down with books!

With the sequence of crimes and propaganda actions, the CIA sought to frighten young families and teachers who already taught, and hinder the mass exodus of volunteers to meet the beautiful task. But the criminality of the empire itself mobilizes public rejection. The campaign grew in the sensitivity of the people, and become a fact of national dignity.

The murder of the young Morejón Quintana held in a crowded area results in an event of public challenge to the terrorists. Despite the presence of the counterrevolutionary bands in the area high school students, in conjunction with the town to honor guards carried the casket, and burial was massive act of revolutionary reaffirmation [25] . The strikes and attacks such as the Nobel Academy precipitate the position of many students and young Catholics in favor of the Revolution [26] .

organizational activity of the National Commission does not stop. January 16 starts throughout the national territory of the census of illiterates. On March 6, registration begins massive average student in the literacy brigades that carry the name of the teacher killed Conrado Benitez. Hundreds more young people are integrated military units and as a symbol that works not only by this, but for the future, part the first group of trainees to the USSR and other socialist countries to be trained as technicians.

educational direction of the Campaign, previously validated in practice and exercise materials designed organizational procedures. For this purpose brigades leave in February pilots [27] , targeted at specific groups of farmers, coal miners, fishermen and miners. With the experiences that were obtained are thought to enhance the capacity of the brigade in a previous course that was set for the second half of April in the premises before exclusive resort of Varadero.

early April have been trained over a thousand normal school teachers and volunteers to advise the campaign. And work more than two thousand technical subcommittees at the municipal and neighborhoods, and about 500 technicians working accountable to the methodological support for literacy teachers. In the manufacturing and service sector were incorporated 300 companies [28] . The school year is coming forward to conclude the month of April and facilitate the incorporation as a literacy brigade Conrado Benítez to 100,000 schoolchildren and their teachers.

Fidel Castro

The role of the historic personality of Fidel Castro in the educational events of the early years of the Revolution should be underlined. While the stamp of social educators Fidel [29] is inextricably linked to all social and political activity that they carry out their revolutionary pedagogy is revealed clearly in the design and implementation of the socialist transformation of the neo-colonial education system, and particularly in the strategic direction of the National Literacy Campaign.

In their study Fidel Marti's legacy includes a very young age, that the concepts of José Martí on culture and education, social progress and freedom, were carriers of the progressive ideals of his time on a global scale, and precisely because it had a substrate of identity with the Marxist budgets, as similar united humanist vocation.

Fidel consider the radical transformation of the circumstances transcended the political and socio-economic, mainly to address the area of \u200b\u200bsocial consciousness, to human spirituality that relate Martí [30] . Then from within the Moncada program raised more than a political project, a great educational and cultural revolutionary to put an end to capitalism in Cuba.

Fidel's application of the principle that Martí conceived of education as a task of all, represented a turning point for educational theory and pedagogical practice at the societal level. The clear conception Marti on the right to education for all citizens and the duty of these contribute to the other, transit of philosophical praxis Cuban revolutionary masses, and fed the political debate and the fight against petty prejudices - professional cretinism as Marx, within the professionals trained in the neo-capitalist society. This profound insight enriched by Marxism, the theoretical feed Fidel and his precision in taking steps towards the massification and democratization of education, and successful development of the National Literacy Campaign. Precisely

graduation day of the first contingent of volunteer teachers. Fidel publicly announces the upcoming battle against illiteracy "Next year we have set a goal, eradicate illiteracy in our country how? mobilizing the people, establishing that commitment to the people (...) honor the commitment to learn to read and write is illiterate. And who will to teach? (...) The people will mobilize all students and mobilize as a citizen can read and write, to teach those who can not read and write " [31] .

Already in this first quarter of 1961 the country lives under conditions of undeclared war [32] , however, Fidel does not neglect the literacy campaign [33] . On 23 January, during the graduation of the second contingent of volunteer teachers, reports the murder of a young volunteer teacher: Conrado Benítez, and excited voice, application: "After death the teacher will remain master! (...) This teacher is the martyr whose blood will help us to propose, double, winning the battle we've waged against illiteracy. [34] "

January 28 in honor of the birth of José Martí, the leader of the Revolution chairs the conversion of the former military fortress of the city of Santa Clara in a school. Near the end of his words reiterates that literacy is one of the greatest battles of the culture that has fought no people: "It will be a truly epic battle, in which you participate all the people ". And later he says: " We must begin to organize the army and we will organize literacy hundred thousand young people have at least sixth grade on, and at least 13 years of age. " At the same time, it appeals to young people of Las Villas, to be the first to register.

Fidel made several visits to the National Literacy Commission and final details with their managers. On February 28, is on the bounce first group of young people who comprise the Brigade pilots. They give indications for mass registration of all who wish to integrate these brigades.

March 25, Fidel confirms that "we must devote every effort to this campaign, because the battle against illiteracy to win, among other things, to the extent that we take the attitude of all the importance of this effort" [35] .

April 9 Fidel argues that there can be no education revolution. In this speech, made at the close of the series of talks on Education and Revolution taking place in the TV People's University, said what was already a principle of revolutionary propaganda: "We do not tell the people, think! We say: read! ".

That Fidel April 9, aware of the forthcoming military attack, prepares people to fight simultaneously in the two war fronts: "The merit is neither of us would be to reject any counter-attack, but on making while the literacy campaign. The fact defeat an enemy that attacked us would not have merit, or not entirely as satisfying, if they manage to hinder our campaign [36] .

April 1961
The sábado15 and Sunday April 16, 1961 was ; from the Literacy Council headquarters in Havana and the provincial councils simultaneously across the country, the large contingent of young brigade Conrado Benítez. In Varadero everything was ready for the intensive teacher training, which would put young people and teachers in a position to begin the massive stage of literacy.

That April 15, with the first light of dawn was made treacherous bombing airports in Havana, San Antonio de los Baños and Santiago de Cuba, a prelude to the mercenary invasion would start two days later. In many households in the Cuban capital, while we heard the explosions of enemy bombs and militia batteries response, was developed in parallel, another event, as dramatic as that starred the rebel soldiers and militiamen.

In the same time started from their homes young people and teachers who were mobilized to join the Army National Literacy Campaign. The terrorist attack corroborated the allegations of the leadership of the Revolution, in relation to the imminence of a direct military aggression United States. Columns of smoke and the sirens of ambulances after withdrawal of the enemy planes, multiplying the impact on the seriousness of the situation. No doubt because "the Americans were going to invade. The story told and the documents available, do not collect such extreme circumstances if someone is afraid and stopped going to his appointment with the motherland. What if it was a fact was the massive arrival of young and teachers invited to the Literacy Council in Havana.

Heading into training camp literacy force in Varadero, is a hard fact described. The players are excited when they testify and burst into feelings. Boys and girls 14, 15, 16 and 17, their teachers, parents, siblings and relatives, was filled with hugs and affection on the bounce.

No doubt it was one of those turning points in the individual subjects' lives, bodies, where the discourse of history pales before the epic. The Cuban family and youth emulated in confidence and delivery in patriotic commitment: "The campaign is not suspended, continues," was the unanimous decision of literacy and teachers, their parents, the family of Cuban revolutionary.

the 16 th, at the funeral of the fallen in airstrikes, Fidel declared the socialist character of the Revolution, " What the imperialists can not forgive is ... we have made a socialist revolution in the noses of the United States! " leader in the historic act sought to swear to defend" the revolution of the humble, the meek and humble " [37] . And the people gathered in impressive demonstration responded affirmatively. In the now historic corner of Vedado, of streets 12 and 23, are raised thousands of guns in a symbolic demonstration of the popular vote.

In Varadero, in the park of Eight Thousand ticket-installation by the Revolution to facilitate the enjoyment of the famous popular beach, "is focused on literacy contingent. The brigade and teachers listen to statements by the Commander in Chief, and simultaneously repeated cry of "Homeland or Death! Venceremos! And they swear to defend the socialist revolution.

Fidel ordered to finish the event a "state of alert." The orientations of the head of the Revolution are accurate. Together to achieve maximum preparation for the impending battle, the intensification of measures to neutralize the counter internal ordering: "For the workers, peasants and intellectuals, all working people, remain in their positions and redouble their efforts to the production and teaching" [38] .

During the day 16 and still own 17, arriving at the camp continued Varadero Brigade contingents from other central and east. Their stories have to know the facts, including stop and train stop that led to the spa. Like his fellow Havana, their unanimous response was to continue to Varadero.

Matanzas Once on the beach a group of high school students in Holguín, the 17 newcomers, it was proposed to reach Girón to join the battle. They all belonged to the militia in its region, and knew relatively close to the fighting. With the experience of infantry who had "felt" graduates "of combatants after beating the 62-kilometer walk at the time they thought the militants did go to the Swamp [39] , but the impetus of youth gave way to the peaceful persuasion of the leaders of the camp, that others would read the order issued by Commander Officer: " Every Cuban should occupy the position that corresponds with military units and workplaces without interrupting the production or the literacy campaign, not a single revolutionary work" [40] .

In the scene of the Battle

In Giron Mustelier Mariano, chief of the militia in place, was to drive along the coast the night of 17. He was accompanied by Valerio Rodriguez, a literacy of 13 years of age. The militant distinguishes a red light never stopped blinking. Marian thought it was a ship that was bound for Cienfuegos and was lost within Bay. Mounted on a jeep and headed eastward, to aid the boat that he believed at risk. The literacy, quickly jumped into the vehicle.

The flashing red light came from lamps that teams were putting the frogmen who claimed the mercenary landing. When the jeep focused on the coast, the head of the mercenary group decided to shoot directly at the vehicle. Those were the first shots fired by the invading force at the Bay of Pigs. The shooter was the American CIA Grayston Lynch [41] .

Lanterns Jeep jumped into the air and some fragments wounded in the eye line Valerio Rodríguez. Symbolic paradox. The first shots fired in the invasion that it intended to liquidate the Cuban revolution had been made by an American officer, and the first wound was a pilot literacy brigades, who was there teaching reading and writing to the site charcoal [42] .

Girón While Lynch shot at Mustelier and Valerio, in Long Beach, the first bullets militia who rejected the mercenary landing, left the gun BZ militiaman Ramón González, served by three brigades. They led the first four mercenaries casualties [43] .

The presence of facilitators from the first moments of the confrontation was not a fluke. When the mercenaries arrived in the Zapata Swamp worked there since February, 30 literacy, members of the brigades pilot [44] . The April 13 press echoed the will of literacy and illiterate Zapata Swamp, to eradicate illiteracy [45] . When four days after this provision turns to resistance and rejection against the aggressors. With the population Cienaguera youth literacy suffered the ravages of air and artillery mercenary. Most manage to be evacuated to the lines where the revolutionary forces, others are evading the mercenaries guarding the known depth of the swamp.

The story of those who were arrested by the mercenaries is an irrefutable proof of the integrity morale of those young people [46] . The testimony of Homeland Silva Trujillo, brigade, 19, co-Valerio, is shocking: Patria Silva when he realizes the invasion, is mobilizing residents to evacuate, but the mercenaries had taken batey. She the rural school teacher and other villagers are taken prisoner. The rejection of the young toward their captors becomes center of psychological pressure, treat stateless crush the young woman and it does not happen is accused of being a "fanatical communist." In his flight the mercenaries try to take it hostage. Interviewed

four decades later, Silva reaffirmed in Homeland " proud to have participated in the deed of Pigs and unarmed combat, alone with my ideas. That was beautiful, even when I left forever profound psychological consequences. The campaign could do until June because I fell in SCHOK and This degenerated into a traumatic neurosis. I was hospitalized several months. Even I was one of the testimoniantes when the process demand of the people of Cuba to the U.S. government for human damages " [47] .

Fighters and residents have Fidel's concern to know the fate of each of the young brigade stationed in the Swamp. Not rest until he had information of each.

In Pigs to decide the fate of the Cuban Revolution, it was also decided the victory of the campaign. " One of the great merits of that year - assert after Fidel Castro - was to have held the Literacy Campaign in the middle of the Bay of Pigs invasion " [48] .

Study, work and rifle

On a chalkboard used in the Bay of Pigs could be read in those days: "Study, Work and rifles." The slogan made possible with the imperialist armed attack, written by an anonymous student, perhaps one of the militants came up there sweeping the invaders, testified for years visitors to the National Museum of Literacy, this peculiar sensitive and epic relationship between education, defense and patriotism that sparked the Cuban Revolution.

The 66-hour battle to defeat the invaders and the national military mobilization that accompanies them, express the most dramatic and decisive act, the whole class battles that characterize the Cuban historical stage in April 1961. Bay of Pigs was in both military victory, the political triumph of socialism. This marks a substantive cultural and ideological level the course of future events across the country, multiplies into a transcendent battle for education and culture, the conquest of socialist cultural ideological hegemony.

By publicly declaring the socialist character of the Revolution, Fidel and the revolutionary leadership, made a pedagogic act of transcendental importance. Before going into battle, it becomes clear to people what had hitherto been a goal that was proclaimed before the exact time, had raised serious obstacles. Fidel Marti ethical life is the bedrock of this decision, which undoubtedly was seriously evaluated. Honesty, exemplary, personal courage and boldness to draw the leadership of the Cuban Revolution leader, affirm their unique contribution to events. On April 16, 1961 was the right time to give a definitive anti-shake in the heart of Cuban civil society.

The coincidence of a declaration of socialist revolution and the battle of Giron, in highlight of the literacy campaign, as they prepared to leave for all parts of the country's youth literacy components of the Army, in full manifestation of the release of spirituality and solidarity of the poor, the nascent Cuban socialism will provide a humanist praxis solidly established.

After Giron, literacy became a moral battle, political and ideological critical to the success of the socialist alternative. On 22 December, the day the victory of the National Literacy Campaign, we are just in time to mark the 50th anniversary of that educational achievement. A crucial issue will devote a future delivery.

As the story assume its relevance to the prospective construction interests me suggest five points of analysis, in order to advance a debate that can not wait for the great event of December:

ONE: The mass education movement really exists in the first years of the Revolution, beyond the means of a government institution, and claimed for himself and built his own role. In this situation the state institutions, the Ministry of Education in particular, turned in a successful organizational task, systematize and facilitate scientific, civil society demanding revolutionary organizations and associations, families and the many collective and individual subjects of the Cuba in those years.

TWO: The basis of the mass education movement, was in the broad national movement of patriotic reaffirmed that the civil society formed in the heat of the armed uprising, the revolutionary general strike of January and the Revolution, which became under Fidel Castro's revolutionary pedagogy and cohesive action Rebel Army, "a collective subject, a source of real power and historic initiative. Movements like this, in the words of Karl Marx, constitute the foundation of all history [49] . They are the strength of survival and reproduction of the socialist revolutions.

Strategic leadership of the revolution was forged insert in this reality, learned, studied and built the choices and decisions of victory, in the midst of such an explosion of people in the articulation of ideological and organizational unity, attracting the dissimilar limelight, with the work of mobilization and persuasion-based organizations and associations, men and women of the people, in dialogue with youth, mass meetings, statements. This decision-making in those days was born April 1961, the current Communist Party of Cuba.

THREE: To highlight the role of the historic personality of Fidel in school events and literacy, supports the validity of considering a teacher of the Revolution, as accurately as Paulo Freire cataloged [50] . With such a definition not only referred to the eminent Brazilian philosopher recognized the contributions that the Cuban leader in the educational field itself. Was present understanding of Gramscian concepts [51] on the role of education as an instrument of hegemony building within civil society, the accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe Italian Marxist theorist, upon consideration of the nature of relationship eminently teaching, which assumes the class struggle in the ideological field of culture. This design matrix was successful practice of the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, is one of his most enduring legacies.

FOUR: As long as imperialism and genocidal governments in the United States, the dialectic of the Cuban Revolution is going through a constant attention to the armed defense. The aims of the Revolution are inscribed in tasks as dignifying as it was their own literacy. The existence of a powerful military and the military preparedness of all Cuban patriots thus an essential means of defending and carrying a happy ending for these purposes humanists. And education and culture will necessarily work for peace, with an unavoidable defensive mission.

Raising the educational work to the level of struggle in defense of the Revolution does not go only by the will of one or the other revolutionary leaders, beyond the ability of ministries and governmental institutes. Fights and articulated in the construction and the upward development of a solid mass and mass education movement. This historical truth we will never forget.

FIVE: The political priority which is the National Literacy Campaign in the Cuban revolutionary strategy, no doubt, said on the eve of the socialist project, which Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara would define as a principled position of the revolutionary leadership of the country, against the criteria prevailing in European socialism to them today: Create wealth with the awareness and consciousness not with wealth. And this core idea is now vital to strive to build an unprecedented economic model and work for the survival and development of socialism in the midst of a world in danger of extinction, which is hegemonic philosophy have on the self, where most vulgar materialism - that of consumerism and neo-fascism, 'aims to complete the transfer of capital, with the death of awareness.

[1] Fidel Castro Ruz : Central Committee Report to the First Congress , Published by the Department of Revolutionary Orientation of the CPC Central Committee, La Habana, 1975, p. 34
[2] See: Philip J. Perez Cruz: literacy. 1959 -1961 A mass education movement in the construction and triumph of the socialist alternative to cuban, Thesis for the scientific degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (History of Education), Higher Pedagogical Institute "Enrique José Varona", Havana, 2000.
[3] In History will absolve me, which includes the allegation of Fidel Castro Ruz at the tribunal that judged by the events of July 26 will be made public for the first time this national program of liberation.
[4] See: Philip J. Perez Cruz coordinates literacy, Social Sciences Publishing House, Havana, 1988, 86 et seq.
[5] Philip J. Pérez Cruz: Literacy in Cuba. historical reading to think this , Social Sciences Publishing House, Havana, 2001, ps. 88-89
[6] Republic of Cuba. Census of population, housing and electoral January 28, 1953. P. Printing Fernandez y Cia. 1955 p 145 et seq
[7] . "Investigating Committee and Purification Staff of the Ministry of Education and its Dependencies." Resolution 07,250 (01/19/1959). Central File MINED.
[8] José Martí, Obras Completas , Editorial Nacional de Cuba, La Habana.1965, Volume 8, p 290
[9] View: Luis M. Busch Rodriguez: Cuban Revolutionary Government : origins and first steps , Social Sciences Publishing House, Havana, 1999.
[10] "Law 680 of December 23, 1959." Official Gazette of the Republic (Special No. 59) in Havana. December 24, 1959.
[11] Fidel Castro Ruz, "Appearance on the television program" Singapore Question ", April 22, 1960. Transcript of the Prime Minister's Office, Documentation Centre of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Cuba.
[12] Armando Hart, Minister of Education: About years of education, Education Revolution. Universidad Popular. Sixth Cycle. Imprenta Nacional de Cuba, Havana 1961, p. 14
[13] On 5 March establishing the National Functional Literacy and Education. See: National Committee for Literacy and Basic Education. " Ministerial Resolution (03/05/1959). Central File MINED.
[14] Fidel Castro Ruz. "Closing remarks by the First National Congress of Rural Teachers", 27 August. 1959. Transcript of the Prime Minister's Office. Documentation Centre of the Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.
[15] Armando Hart Dávalos: Testimony to the author, October 2000.
[16] By Law no. Revolutionary Government 76 February 1959.
[17] View: Andrés Zaldívar Diéguez and Etcheverry Pedro Vázquez: A fascinating story. Trujillo conspiracy. La Habana, Editora Política, 2009.
[18] View: Jorge Luis Betancourt: victory over treason, Publishing House In April, La Habana, 2009
[19] Crespo and José Ramón Torrance Buajasán Marrawi: Operation Peter Pan A case of psychological warfare against Cuba. Editora Política, La Habana, 2000, s 9 ff.
[20] See: "The program pf Covert Against the Castro Regime Actiom" Washington, March 16, 1960, in Thomas Diez Acosta: The War encubierta against Cuba, Editora Política, La Havana, 1997; Manuel Hevia and Andrés Zaldívar Diéguez Frasquieri: Girón prelude to invasion. He faces hidden CIA , Editorial Captain San Luis, La Habana, 2006.
[21] When the colonists were killed by seven students of medicine. See: Louis Philippe Le Roy and Galvez: A hundred years from 71. The shooting of the student s, Social Sciences Publishing House, Havana, 1971.
[22] Fidel Castro Ruz, "Speech on November 27, 1960 on the steps of the University of Havana, in: Obra Revolucionaria, La Habana, no 31, 1960, p 11 -12.
[23] Conrado Benítez García was killed along with the peasant Heleodoro Rodríguez Linares. See: Revolution, Havana, January 24, 1961, p 1-2; Pedro Etcheverry Vazquez and Santiago Gutierrez Oceguera. Banditry. Defeat of the CIA in Cuba, Editorial Capitán San Lis, La Habana, 2008, p 118-119
[24] Fidel Castro Ruz, "Dr. Fidel Castro greets volunteer teachers and pays tribute to a martyr "Obra Revolucionaria, no. 5, Imprenta Nacional de Cuba, La Habana, 1961, p 34.
[25] Olga Montalvan : From Conrad to Manuel. Ediciones Union. Havana 1994, p 19; Pedro Vazquez and Santiago Etcheverry Gutierrez Oceguera: Ob. cit, p 131.
[26] "serious allegations of students from Bethlehem, Hoy, Havana, March 2 1961 "With Christ and the Revolution of La Salle students shouting" Revolution, Havana, April 12, 1961
[27] journeyed to the island 300 youth literacy ", Revolution, Havana , March 1, 1961, p 6
[28] Armando Hart, Minister of Education: Over the years of education, Ob. cit., p. 17
[29] View: Rolando Buenavilla Recio, José Martí, social educator, IPLAC - UNESCO, La Habana, 1997.
[30] Felipe de J. Pérez Cruz: Fidel Castro: Education and Literacy Campaign in Cuba, Revista Honda, Havana, No. 16, 2006, p 11; Portal José Martí :
[31] Fidel Castro Ruz: "Graduation of first batch of volunteer teachers," Revolution, Havana, August 30, 1960, p. 8.
[32] Download: Juan Carlos Rodriguez: Pigs. The inevitable battle. The most massive CIA operation against Fidel Castro , Editorial Capitán San Luis, La Habana, 2010, Tomas Diez Acosta: "Faced with aggressive threats Cuba prepared his defense," XX National Congress of History, National Union of Historians, Havana, February 2011
[33] View: Eugenio Suárez Pérez: 1961 Cuban Literacy Campaign, Bohemia, 12 killed, 2006, http://www /.
[34] Fidel Castro Ruz: Dr. Fidel Castro greets volunteer teachers and pays tribute to a martyr, "Obra Revolucionaria, no. 5, 25 January 1961, p 36.
[35] Fidel Castro Ruz, Speech given at once a tribute to R Journal evolution, on the occasion of the Prize will be awarded by the Organization Journalists, on March 25, 1961, Obra Revolucionaria, Havana, No. 11, March 26, 1961, p 16
[36] Fidel Castro Ruz: "Conference on the cycle of the People's University Education and Revolution, Havana, April 9, 1961, Obra Revolucionaria, La Habana, no. 19, 1961.
[37] Fidel Castro Ruz: "Speech by Fidel Castro after the funeral for the victims of the bombing of Havana." Revolutionary work, no 15, La Habana. April 16, 1961 p 28.
[38] Fidel Castro Ruz: "Declaration of State of Alert", Revolution, Havana, April 17, 1961, p. 1.
[39] Brigade Conrado Benítez, Elio Cordero Red. Testimony to the author. April 2011.
[40] Ident. Ant
[41] See: Peter Wyden: Bay of Pigs. The Untold History , Simon and Schuster, New York, 1979
[42] Juan Carlos Rodríguez : Ob. cit, p 275.
[43] Miguel Ángel Sánchez: Giron was only in April, Editorial Orbe, La Habana, 1979. p 111
[44] "Literacy in the Zapata Swamp, Revolution, Havana, February 18, 1961, p 3.
[45] " eradicated in the Zapata Swamp illiteracy" , Revolution, Havana, April 13, 1961, p 13
[46] "I was a prisoner of mercenaries says literacy " Bohemia, Havana, April 30, 1961, ps. 58 and 75;
[47] Iraida Calzadilla Rodríguez: "Just had my ideas as a weapon," Literacy Campaign: Anniversary 40,
[48] Fidel Castro Ruz. "Speech at the closing ceremony of the Seventh Congress of the Union of Workers of Education, Science and Sport. Granma. La Habana. December 24, 1997 p 4
[49] Karl Marx and Frederick Engels: Selected Works , Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1976, t I, p 39
[50] Freire, Paulo, Esther Perez and Fernando Martinez: (1997): Conversations with Paulo Freire Collection of Popular Education, Editorial Caminos, La Habana, p. 14.
[51] View: Antonio Gramsci: "Pedagogy and Politics," in Texts of Antonio Gramsci . The alternative Pedagogical Fontamara Editorial, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1981.