Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Apartments Lease Contra

The 6 classical arts: survey

club's recent on "Winner of the Tour of Basque Country" published by Holden the blog friend Chronicle Sports Sentimental has given me a bit envious and reminded me that it much much much that I do a survey of these here. In addition, a couple of days later, during a conversation with Toni and we came a curious Vicu topic of debate that the first suggested that I put as a question in the blog, so as always I will take notice and step I remove the worm from the survey. The question is on what are known as "Classical Art."

As most of you already know, classical culture split (or divide) the arts in higher and lower, characterized the first to be enjoyed with the senses of sight and hearing, and being generally known as the Fine Arts. They are divided into 6:

  • Architecture: the art of designing, building design and construction.
  • Sculpture: the art of molding materials (stone, wood ...) to get forms, volumes and spaces. Painting
  • : depict scenes or feelings in a particular surface by substances and pigments.
  • Literature: the art of using words to make up stories or telling facts.
  • Dance: Rhythmic expression by coordinated movements of the body.
  • Music: the art of combining sounds to create a melody or rhythm coordinated and harmonious.

is possible that some of you dominéis, or at least practiquéis, and one of these categories. So the question of the survey is in the other direction:

Which of these famous classical arts consideráis more difficult to master, or even just run? The

have in the right side of blog. If, in addition to voting, you urge also to leave a comment on why, even better, "I start getting wet p

I: During that conversation, I kept the sculpture, that would not even know where to start carving a piece of wood or a stone block. But now, after thinking a little more carefully, I think I'll choose the architecture due to the technical complexity involved. Come to think, what a great merit had Imhotep and his colleagues to the design and build the pyramids for over 4000 years, right?

PD: forgive me artists such simple definitions of these arts.


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