Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What Will Freeze First Copper Or Pvc

: A fire that can burn all the Prosecutor Denies

Reflections by comrade Fidel: A fire that can burn all

ref-fidel-chile-18.JPG may or may not agree with Gaddafi's political ideas, but the existence of Libya as an independent state and member of the United Nations have no right to question it.

the world has not yet reached what, from my point of view, is now a simple matter for survival of our species: the access of all peoples to the material resources of this planet. There is no other in the Solar System that has the most basic conditions of life as we know.

United States itself have always striven to be a melting pot of all races, all creeds and all nations: white, black, yellow, Indian and mestizo, no other differences were not those of masters and slaves, rich and poor, but all within the limits of the border to the north, Canada, on the south, Mexico, on the east, the Atlantic and west Pacific. Alaska, Puerto Rico and Hawaii were mere historical accidents.

Complicating the matter is that there is a noble desire of fighting for a better world, which is as worthy of respect as the religious beliefs of peoples. It would only take a few types of radioactive isotopes of uranium emanating consumed by nuclear power plants in relatively small quantities, because it does not exist in nature-to stop the fragile existence of our species.

Keep those growing waste volumes, under concrete and steel sarcophagus is one of the greatest challenges of technology.

Acts as the Chernobyl accident and the earthquake in Japan have revealed these fatal risks.

The issue I wish to address today is not that, but the astonishment with which I watched yesterday, through the program kit Walter Martínez, on Venezuelan television, film images of the meeting between the chief Department of Defense, Robert Gates, and Minister of Defence of the United Kingdom, Liam Fox, who visited the United States to discuss the criminal war waged by NATO against Libya. It was hard to believe, the British Minister won the "Oscar" was a bundle of nerves, was tense, I talked like a madman, it seemed that spat out the words.

course, first arrived at the entrance of the Pentagon, where Gates was waiting with a smile. The flags of both countries, the former British colonial empire and his stepson, the U.S. empire, flew high on both sides while chanting hymns. The right hand on his chest, the military salute strict and solemn ceremony the host country. It was the opening act. They went after the two ministers in the U.S. of Defense building. It supposed to speak at length by the images I saw when they returned each with a speech in your hands, no doubt, already made up.

frame around the stage it was the uniformed personnel. From the left corner a young soldier looked tall, thin, apparently redhead, shaved head, black peaked cap stuffed almost to the collar and rifle with bayonet, not blinking or breathing is seen as portraying a soldier willing shooting a rifle bullet or a nuclear rocket to the destructive capacity of 100 thousand tons of TNT. Gates spoke with a smile and naturalness of an owner. The Englishman, however, did the way you explained.

seldom seen anything more horrible, exhibited hatred, frustration, anger and threatening language against the Libyan leader, demanding his unconditional surrender. He seemed indignant that the powerful NATO planes were unable to break in 72 hours the Libyan resistance.

lacked Just cry "tears, sweat and blood," as Winston Churchill when it calculated the price for his country in the fight against Nazi planes. In this case the Nazi-fascist paper NATO is doing with its thousands of bombing missions with the most modern aircraft the world has ever known.

The last straw was the decision of the U.S. Government authorizing the use of drones to kill men, women and children Libyans, as in Afghanistan, thousands of miles from Western Europe but this time against an Arab and African, in the eyes of hundreds of millions of Europeans and as much as on behalf of the United Nations.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said yesterday that those acts of war were illegal and were beyond the framework of Security Council resolutions of the United Nations.

The crude attacks on the Libyan people to take on a Nazi-fascist may be used against any people in the Third World.

really amazes me that Libya had offered resistance.

Now that warlike organization depends on Gaddafi. If it resists and does not comply with its demands, will go down in history as one of the great figures of Arab countries.

NATO stokes a fire that can burn everyone!

firma-fidel.jpg Fidel Castro Ruz April 27, 2011

7 and 34 pm


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