Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Best Beautiful Agony

Disorders lead to a destructive cult followers Famous People

By: Official College Psychologists S / C de Tenerife

usually most or all sects cause a series of injuries and disorders mostly physical and psychological, to their adherents, from minor to major severity. However, all the problems and / or consequences that may lead to sectarian adherents during his stay in these destructive groups depends mainly on three characteristics.

The first is the type of destructive cults. As seen above, not all sects reached in its own dynamics, structure and indoctrination, the same danger. Is not the same person who is adept in a destructive cult within the Grade B rated than one that belongs to a group of Grade C or Grade D

The second characteristic is the length of stay or residence of the adept in the sect which has been in question. Obviously, the negative effects of a destructive cult has on its followers, are not the same in an individual who has spent only three months, for example, than one who has spent more than four years.

And finally, the third feature is the physical and mental strength of the adept to brainwashing, ie, modification of thought. Not all people have, or have the same mental and physical strength to a "bombardment" constant dogmas, philosophies and theories without regard to a growing psychological pressure and constant over time, in an attempt to change his personality , emotions and feelings, to an alteration suddenly in the dream, a little food or vegetarian negatively, at a rate of overwork and nulamente paid, a check of the information, or a breakdown of family, marital, sexual, friendly, entertainment and more.

Among the damage or conditions that can lead to a destructive cult followers would, among many others, the following:

1. Personality change (PLC):

is one of the first effects of family / friends are noticing the sectarian. This includes personality change both attitudes and knowledge as essentially a standard of behavior. As the follower goes deeper introducing in the dynamics, structure and dogma of the sectarian group, the greater will be his personality change. The adept, well, you will be taught to respond or behave in a certain way to certain social situations or contacts with people outside the sect destructive. It is one of the negative effects of the sects that strongly influence the followers.

2. Strong dependence sectarian group:

Using an analogy, obviously with their limitations and differences, with the drug phenomenon, the adept you are creating sectarian group within a strong dependence on it. This dependency is increasing as remaining within the sect will lengthen over time.

That is why, when a follower out of a sectarian group during the first months and even years in some cases, can not live without constant reference to the sect which was destructive. It is as if something is missing, that something being the sect believe that dependence.

3. Fear (irrational) to anything other than the sect

Due to the change of thinking that is done constantly and handling and disturbance of emotions, feelings and thoughts, the adept you are getting gradually, and without aware of it many times, all sorts of fears, all irrational, senseless and without any basis or foundation. Fear of people worldwide and outside the sect, fear of not doing things right, fear of punishment, fear of the "beyond" fear the leader or his god, and so on.

4. High psychological disorders:

damage is one of the major disorders or performing destructive cults on their followers. In the same individual usually is enough of these disorders. The variety of disorders that destructive cults just getting their supporters to develop, covers virtually all clinical pathology, from the mildest to the most severe as paranoid and others.

5. Cancellation inner life / private (frustration, depression): Here we

one of the disorders or injuries, perhaps more depersonalizing that may exist, and that translates into total control of the life of the adept by the sectarian group. When a person is entering, slowly and inadvertently, in a sectarian group, one of the first things that will change until they almost disappear, it is intimate and private life. What results in the emergence of a number of frustrations and depressions having been "torn" something as precious as the right to privacy and private life that we all people.

6. Regression, backward child:

In many destructive cults, but not all, because coercive psychological pressure constant over time, with constant references to alleged "therapies" made the adept, and a number of features, the reasoning and mentality of the follower suffer not only a significant detail, but he ends up thinking and reasoning or having a mental age appropriate for a child or adolescent, adult. In some cases, even change the physical features of the face of the followers, haciéndoseles much more "childish."

7. Creating immaturity

Because the adept is stripped of all liability, which has only accountable to their leader and god only must obey and do what he is told and nothing else, the adept it becomes a totally immature person, without any responsibility, and incapable of making any decision on its own (the decisions are taken by him).

8. Low level reasoning / critical:

is one of the more serious consequences than just having the fans. When a person enters a destructive cult, we are significantly increasing their emotional side, and decreasing the most critical aspect of his or reasoning. Within a sectarian group is frowned upon and not allowed to reason or think for yourself. Fewer still, disagree with or go against the group leader. When a person gets out of a sectarian group immediately to help him get back to work and raise all its aspect of critical thinking, opinion, etc..

9. Physical impairment of the body:

is one of the basic pillars that underpin Destructive Cults and a key part of the brainwashing. Just for the sect could ever make a better change of thought to every adept in particular, they should bear the psychological defenses, and physical, as low as possible. So the subject feels incapable, not just to reason or to realize what happens, but to prevent or stop what they are doing.

The body's physical impairment is not only based on a strict vegetarian diet but also to have him working almost all day (more than thirteen hours), allowing him to sleep a few hours of interrupted sleep, long session meditation and prayers, many of them tired body postures, and so on., it is not surprising therefore that many girls and women who are in certain destructive sects (such as the Unification Church or Moonies), because psychological pressure and stress so strong that support daily and to effect all this has on the hormonal aspect, with amenorrhea (lack of menstruation).

10. Confinement outside world (reduction of the senses):

is another of the pillars, and harmful, not just the change of thought, based on Destructive Cults. Held incommunicado, gradually, a person around the world outside the cult, give you only the information generated within their own sectarian group, and make the follower is engaged increasingly in body and soul to the group, gives any reduction in the sensory aspect of a person.

11. Inability to reason coherently:

Due to the psychological pressure, stress and continuous stress, poor and poor nutrition, partial or total isolation with the world outside the sect, the acquisition of a new "language" in the sectarian group, the physical exhaustion, inability to make decisions, and emotional manipulation and thought, the more adept it becomes more difficult to reason in a manner fully consistent as it did before 'joining the destructive cult.

12. Break family ties, love, sex, effective, friendly, social, work, etc..:

is another key aspect of a destructive cult, and one of the first that they apply to the adept. To him, gradually and through a gradual change of thought will are facing with their families, couples, etc. The reason is basic and effective. The adept you are introduced gradually into the sectarian group you are facing with his family to break up with her, making her see that this is the cause of all ills and problems.

There are two reasons: First, that each may have less external references to the cult and can not compare the information you give it to you to give your family and so not out of the sectarian group, and the second reason is that if the follower has definitively broken with his family and at some point wants to leave the destructive cult that is, I think twice before leaving and will not anyone outside the cult.

13. Handling sexuality:

is another of the most important aspects that occur in a destructive cult to control their followers. Either in excess or mostly by default. Controlling an individual's sexuality can be finished to control many other facets of his personality. Destructive Cults In many followers are not matched according to their desires but on the basis of the cult leader, and this is who they say when they have to have sex, and when the woman has become pregnant, among many other sexual behaviors tax . The negative consequences of sexual control, will be a little later.

14. Anxiety:

Anxiety is one of the most common psychological disorders that occurs in all destructive cults. The adept is normally longer be in states of tension, making it easy to sectarian group his "indoctrination" thought reform and increasingly made within that group.

Anxiety, obviously, is produced by destructive cult itself through not only the disturbance of emotions and feelings but also by the great uncertainty of all kinds every day is adept at developing the cause of the total influence dynamics, structure and functioning of the sectarian group.

Anxiety is one of the factors which play major with Destructive Cults have increasingly controlled his followers. There have been many cases of fans that constantly keep situations because of anxiety have had a serious enough (along with other causes) such as depression and schizophrenia.

15. Insecurity:

The uncertainty factor is closely related to the anxiety that develops the adept during their stay in destructive cults. Insecurity just doing the adept a person unable to fend for himself and make their own decisions, among other damage.

16. Low self-esteem, little or no:

If anything were clear leaders de grupos sectarios es que han de conseguir que la autoestima de sus adeptos estén, como se suele decir "por los suelos". Con eso se consigue, entre otras cosas, una mayor obediencia al líder o líderes del grupo.

La disminución de la autoestima la va consiguiendo el adepto con gran rapidez cuando diariamente a éste le hacen ver que no solamente sus padres son los causantes de sus problemas o conflictos, sino que el mismo es también el causante de todo lo negativo que ha hecho en su vida.

Es por ello, que en muchas Sectas Destructivas, cuando los adeptos tienen que contar delante de los demás miembros toda su vida pasada, se aplaude y se refuerza exclusivamente aquellas situaciones o cosas negativas, mientras se ignoran the positive. That is, to a destructive cult followers were only reinforces the negative, never positive.

17. Lack of concentration and attention:

Due to the lack sensitive, more or less intense, the adept is having on the sectarian group, rupture with foreign ties to the sect, poor and bad food, and "readings "totally useless and counterproductive to force you to read within the group, the adept is losing more and more concentration and attention, and memory loss.

is why, when a follower leaves a destructive cult, one of the first questions that a professional has to do with him is when it recovers the ability not only critical thinking but also the concentration and attention.

18. Nightmares:

Nightmares is a fairly common disorder that often experience the former members. Most of them develop them during the first months of cessation of sectarian group, although there are many other ex-members that the drag on for years. If adults are serious this problem in children is even more, mainly when they come to mind the "hell" who lived in sectarian attacks, beatings and all kinds of abuse.

19. Depression:

Normally most (not all) followers who leave or are removed from a destructive cult, during the first months of sectarian withdrawal, often have depression of varying severity and intensity.

A person coming out of a sectarian group (especially if it has been for many years), which after all is a genuine totalitarian group, finds that returns to a society that was "ripped" but for him is something new, and conflicting values \u200b\u200bthat she has been taught during their stay in the destructive sects, with his family before entering.

This confrontation is often extremely strong for many former members who therefore end up developing all types of depression, among other pathologies. Not to mention the many supporters who develop depression during their stay in the cult, and where the slightest lack of support and professional treatment.

20. Disorders, diseases and sexual dysfunction:

As already mentioned, the direct or indirect manipulation of sexuality is one of the most important destructive cults use to control and manipulate their followers, socially and emotionally. Following are just developing a range of disorders or sexual dysfunction.

Between them, they would highlight the following: sexual repression, guilt, sexual fears, amenorrhea, sado-masochistic tendencies, anorgasmia secondary inhibition of sex drive, impotence secondary premature ejaculation, sexual phobia or avoidance, etc..

Thanks to Andrea Green for very interesting article! # classification-of-the-cult-of-the-doctrine


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