Saturday, April 30, 2011

Low And Hard Cervix Before Period

join Multiply action against injustice

"The World Peace Council granted the Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro, the olive tree of peace, as an example of constant struggle for peaceful coexistence among nations . Were recognized as well, because of its fight against terrorism and the preservation of peace, five Cuban patriots imprisoned in the U.S. since 1998. Gerardo Hernández, René González, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando González are serving sentences ranging up double life plus 15 years in prison for reporting on criminal plans anti-Cuban groups settled in the U.S. state of Florida. " (Prensa Latina )
Words Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada on the Executive Committee of the World Peace Council in Havana, on April 29, 2011

Cra Maria do Socorro Gomez


here We are honored that meets the Executive Committee of the World Peace Council, an institution that strives for coexistence harmony among nations and respect for the rights of peoples, and it has always done since its founding without hesitation when starting the Cold War.

were constant struggles to avoid military confrontation between the two blocks which are then divided the world. That war never broke although repeated imperial aggression against people who sought freedom from colonial domination. In those days they promised that overcome the cold war was to achieve general and complete disarmament and the abundant resources thus released would finance the development of third world countries. Not achieved neither one nor the other.

but ended the Cold War arms race intensifies, and there is no Warsaw Pact, but NATO increases its membership and extend its military action outside its original, first by invading Afghanistan and now bombing and massacring in Libya to protect people who said cynically. It becomes more serious the gap between rich and poor and almost no one remembers the old promises of international cooperation for development. Are becoming more obvious signs of environmental crisis that threatens to wipe out the human species and hunger strikes hundreds of millions around the globe.

You come to Havana shortly after completion of the VI Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba, which mobilized the whole society to discuss our main problems and adopt necessary changes in our economic and social project. It was a Congress which was strengthened patriotic unity of the nation. All and all we will strive to build a better society to flourish in our own socialism, socialism possible in Cuba today.

are great challenges facing our people. Resist an economic war that has lasted over half a century, genocide longer history. We face other forms of aggression including terrorism that has killed or seriously damaging the thousands of our countrymen.

six years ago that Luis Posada Carriles, a confessed murderer, enjoy official protection from future crimes announces U.S. territory with impunity. To try to prevent such attacks were wrongly convicted and suffer cruel imprisonment of five compatriots to whom you have made a very special recognition.

deeply appreciate your solidarity. The Five are irrefutable proof that Washington is engaged in terrorism against the Cuban people. This is not a story of the past. Continues to do so now.

So on Monday April 25 this year, just five days, the prosecution claimed to be rejected summarily, without hearing or any consideration, the petition for habeas corpus on behalf of Gerardo Hernandez. Same reaction was later compared to the similar motion of Antonio Guerrero and René González. Washington wants the Miami court rejected these appeals without discussion, without reviewing the evidence, without even listening to a defendant that bypasses a huge sentence to two life sentences plus fifteen years.

secretly want to perpetuate a brutal injustice. It is the style of those who have created secret prisons and torture have been legalized.

think to do so with impunity because they have called the complicity of the media hiding the truth and prevent the American people know it. It's urgent call for solidarity of all honest people.

must be multiplied everywhere actions as you are doing and they deserve our gratitude. The only way to defeat the media dictatorship that is the main culprit of the Empire and also because of its infamy. That rises around the world claim with President Obama to release the five, each and every one of them, without exception without conditions.


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