Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Male Full Frontals Blog

United States Government is rejected the application for Habeas Corpus of Gerardo

the painted woman justice, and blind ... Can we expect justice from these two women?
Calls for United States Government is rejected the application for Habeas Corpus of Gerardo

Calls U.S. government rejected it application for Habeas Corpus of Gerardo Hernandez and not be granted a hearing to discuss their arguments and the alleged evidence against him.

The official position is contained in a document of 123 pages plus three appendices presented today in Miami federal court by the Attorney Caroline Heck Miller , who is the main accusations against our fellow and was also the one refused to prosecute the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in 2005.

Soon the defense team of Gerardo shall answer and Judge Joan Lenard make a decision.

Remember Leonard Weinglass: "The worst that can happen to someone in the American justice system is to be alone. Solidarity is needed to indicate that the world is watching and that the law must be fulfilled ".

[Source: antiterroristas.cu]

Taken Liberate 5-YA!

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