Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Always Get A Wedgy When I Wear A Thong

Call for the Second Conference for Our Alternative Martiana America. (ALMA)

Eighth Draft Request email ALMA

(This eighth draft was prepared by the authors of the above, the Lawyers Orlando Licea Díaz and Eulogio Rodriguez Millares, who tried to incorporate the hundreds of suggestions and proposals received by Internet as well as participants in the workshops held in Mexico ( two workshops), Caracas, Havana and finally in Monterrey and Saltillo, "in which prominent intellectuals and political revolutionaries. Remains open to debate as the eighth draft, to further refine the proposal.

The May 18, 2008 in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Dr. Armando Hart Davalos, Director of the Office of Cuba Martí Program and Mr. Eulogio Millares Rodriguez then Consul General of Cuba in Monterrey, endorsed the commitment to call for the construction of the new thinking of the XXI Century on the initial stone in 2006, President Hugo Chavez began in Havana, Cuba to convene to build an Alternative Martiana (ALMA) as the Bolivarian Alternative (ALBA), governmental mechanism for regional integration , walks through our America, but lacked the instrument for popular mobilization and the philosophical that would give continuity to the Bolivarian dream of Martí and integration of our America: hence the Soul of ALBA.
From that time to the work and ideas of these two architects: Dr. Armando Hart Dávalos and Mr. Eulogio Rodriguez thousands, make up the First International Committee and the local organizing committee to begin work on this idea. With this basic structure was convened to "The First International Conference Juarez Lincoln Marti in the soul of Our America," in October 2009 in Monterrey, NL, Mexico.
Our thinking tool can not copy any other model, but a genuine expression of our traditions and history of our experiences and cultures, we have to incorporate the thinking of all the great men of our America and the world.
To meet the challenges of the world today, it is urgent to work on Martiana Alternative for Our America (ALMA), if we foster the unity of all forces struggling for a better world, and thus help prevent the extinction of the human species and life on earth. We note that the transformation of the world today and particularly in Latin America inevitably involves the conquest of the second independence of our peoples, which requires the emergence of a new way of thinking, a new philosophy Century, which is the guide the drive to find the path of unity of all those fighting to eradicate the current system of injustice and social exclusion, discrimination of all types and of imperial domination in all corners of the earth. It is achieving both Latin American unity and integration, to establish a new relationship of respect with the United States and Canada and with all nations of the world.
We coordinating the activities of all social and political movements, which increasingly stronger, emerge and develop, for the sake of the common good of humanity. This stage would be a prerequisite for achieving the ultimate victory united against injustice and arbitrariness imposed by big business, threatening the very existence of human beings on earth. That culture, economics and politics of humble dress, Indian, exploded, a woman, child, poor, black ... and strive hard with them for the final redemption of all human beings.
The challenges we face, forced to create a cultural offensive on our peoples and nations, between nations and between generations, characterized by the need to achieve emancipation and freedom of our people, and this route passes through the critical rescue the history of our American and Caribbean peoples. Of course, taking into consideration the critical rescue the history of mankind, which are the theories that made possible the political practice for transit companies higher.
The civilization crisis we face today can be extended and with it the suffering of the population, including the increasingly evident possibility of extinction of human life on earth. It is necessary to confront the hegemonic power of world imperialism to reverse this situation and lessen the impact and suffering caused by traffic to a new society. Require the unity of all progressive social forces struggling for a better world, and this may be possible through a process of struggle of ideas for finding the path to follow in that clash. SOUL plays a fundamental role not only for the countries of ALBA, but for the world.
The Center for the Study of Latin American Ideal, SC, as a member of the International Committee of the First and Second International Conference of Alternative Martiana and born as a partner to ALMA.
A All Commissions or Committees ALMA of Mexico, Cuba, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and all other Latin America and the Caribbean and the world, including U.S., Canada, Italy, who were linked to the first international conference to continue the process of building the new XXI century philosophical or cultural historical platform ; by:
1 .- Carry forward the proposal to create a cultural offensive, so start expanding the process of discussion and input to the draft document VIII historical cultural platform that we attach to this call.
2 .- To strengthen and improve the organization of committees of the soul that exists in each country and of the Commission or the International Committee of the Soul
3 .- Form new committees by country, looking the greater socialization of the proposal may within social movements, social and political organizations in each nation.
4 .- Work on the basis of conduct between June and October 2011 a meeting of committees of ALMA in each country to discuss the draft of the Historic Cultural Platform which is attached. (VIII to this day) and propose any suggested modifications to these workshops to consider. From these workshops will develop the draft document of the soul of each country, based on Cultural Historical Platform in the final form it takes.
5 .- Start at the same time the organizational work for the Second International Conference ALMA at the end of 2011. It is proposed to the city of Mexico City as a place for the meeting. Taking first the proposals to give the committees ALMA host country and coordinating these with the international committee to achieve the broadest consensus Resumption purposes, objectives and proposals raised in the call that was made for implementation in Caracas Venezuela in 2010, which as is known was suspended. We must conclude a first stage of this year ALMA delivering to the heads of state of the countries of ALBA Cultural History of the Platform, a document widely discussed and agreed in each country and the second International conference.
6 .- working on the new website:, the idea that this represents all the committees or commissions.
Finally we ask all recipients of this announcement, to promote the widest possible to again put before the public this project so much political significance.
"To each according to his ability, to each according to his work capacity and education. So there will be no privileged classes or unfair preferences" Socialism is the natural tendency to improve the condition or the free development of physical and moral. "Benito Juárez

" With a decree of Hamilton is not for the chest to pony plains. With a sentence of Sieyes not desestanco the clotted blood of the Indian race. For what it is, where it rules, must be addressed in order to govern well, and good government in America is not the one who knows how to govern in German or French, but who knows what elements are in fact their country and guiding as you can go in together, to arrive, methods and institutions created by the country itself, to that desirable state where each man knows and exercises, and enjoy all the abundance that nature made for all the people who fertilize their work and defend with their lives. "
José Martí.

"I do not intend to implement in our environment, servile copies of revolutions made in other climates, in places we do not understand certain transformations, in other more advanced our thinking but we would be blind if Negas the step forward taken by the man on the road of liberation. "
Julio Antonio Mella.

"We are not sure, that socialism in America is carbon copy. Must be a heroic creation. We must inspire our own reality, in our own language, the Indo-American socialism "José Carlos Mariategui


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