Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lipstick For Fair Skin And Blonde Hair

The Demon-Haunted World

The title of the new book by Eduardo Punset , "Excuses for not thinking" , made my head came to a recent conversation I had with my "opposite." Everything came to realize a sort of urban legend or a typical chain mail, which he proved that he could not be true. The conclusion is that as I snapped: "What happens is that you do not expect. And is not that you can, but do not want" . Automatically gave a brief silence and then, instead of the expected "You're an asshole" (do not say that I deserved), I like surprising answer: "Well you're right" . And it is often easier choose to let go, take the easy way out and believe everything they tell us, we see on TV, we read in newspapers or find on the Internet. Or sometimes it is not that easier, but more exciting or attractive legend believed to stay with the "simplistic" truth. For example: it is much more fun to believe (let alone tell the neighbor) that NASA spent millions of dollars on a pen that worked in space and that the Russians were smarter and used a pencil, which Instead just know that NASA actually also used pencils and pens as he passed these costing barely $ 6. Pens and pencils

aside, what is certain is that they apply reason and good default by giving everything we have can be very dangerous, especially in this Internet age in which the amount of information to we access has increased exponentially. And if "do not want to think is dangerous, we could say" do not know "is not so. It is this kind of ideas from which starts the book by Carl Sagan I recently finished reading: "The Demon-Haunted World" .

In it, the American scientist invites us to apply a skeptical nature in our lives, that is, to pass through the filter of reason and the scientific method to all these "truths" with which we encounter in our daily life. Doing well, and in connection with this, a clear defense of science and the advantage of their method of investigation against the so-called pseudo (homeopathy, astrology, UFOlogy, graphology, etc.).. It is true that science and subsequent technological advances, in addition to great benefits, have also caused numerous injuries and the occurrence of hazards and threats with which they had not previously, but precisely the scientific essence, the trial and its continuous recycling, used to gradually eliminate or reduce these new risks, refine existing theories and discover new realities, with the assurance of a serious and proven, unlike the lack of evidence and objectivity characteristic of the aforementioned pseudoscience.

In short, despite some of the examples cited may be a bit long and heavy, I think this is a very interesting essay, which may not please fans of the paranormal, mystical or urban legends, but surely get to think anyone who reads it. In my case, helped me to delve into the exciting world of skepticism that I can say that I discovered thanks to Luis Alfonso Gámez and brilliant program "Skeptics" .

I said, to read and think.


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