Friday, April 29, 2011

Scotch That Comes In A Green Bottle


Eight words the Wiccan Rede is: Do what you want, while anyone dañes

The Wiccans have a creed happy, but at the same time social ecologically and morally responsible. They enjoy the world around them (humans, animals, plants and the Earth itself) based on their minds, bodies, emotions and senses, and delight in them lying next to his companions, the other living beings.

Wiccan Ethics is to allow more than prohibitive. The morality of Witchcraft is more concerned about the "Blessed are." In the "NO". The ends of the ascetic masochism in one hand and gross materialism in the other, for the wiccan are two sides of the same coin, because both distort the fullness of human beings and reject one or more of its values. Wiccans believe in the balance of human beings in all their functions.

This is clearly manifested in the Charge of the Goddess:

"Let praise flow in the heart of those who rejoice, behold all acts of love and pleasure are my ritual. And so let the beauty there and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, celebration and reverence among you. "

is worth noting and maintain these qualities in perfect balance:

Beauty and Power Power and Compassion

Honor and Humility and Reverence Celebration

and meditate on them as a model for balanced ethics, while remembering that each of these qualities are possible and not restrictive. Compassion means empathy, not condescension, humility mean real recognition of their state of evolution, not self-sufficient, dignified reverence capacity to marvel ( essential quality of the wiccan), not only take your hat or cross themselves when passing a iglesia.Y the Wizard always knows that Compassion must be accompanied by power, humility and honor, and reverence for the celebration.

The Charge continues:

"And those who believed in looking (a Goddess) seeking or claiming to know that I find, unless they know the mysteries, that if what they seek is not found within you, never find out. Here I was with you from the beginning, and so that is achieved at the end of desire "

This is also an ethical statement. For the warlock, self-development and implementation of unique and complete person, with multiple respects it is a moral duty. Everything that supports evolution is good, and all that is evil abridging, and each of us is a factor in the process of cosmic evolution. So one must not only himself but all mankind, to seek within you and unleash that potential.

Evolution, in this sense does not mean a mere Darwinism (although that really defined one way, one of the levels of cosmic evolution that expresses itself). It is the ongoing process by which the creative force of the universe appears "down" through all levels, with increasing complexity, and is itself fueled by the complexity (in terms Kabbalistic cycle Kether - Malkuth - Kether). This is a profound concept that deserves further study of a lifetime (or several lives), but while many witches are dedicated to the study of this profound philosophy, most are more concerned with earthly and convenient for their daily activities.

For this relationship to the cosmic process, the scale at which we can see how it affects us all, witches come to Earth as a living organism. And this attitude - physical, mental, psychological and spiritual - is the heart of the old religion.

Thanks to my friend Andrea Green for this interesting topic.

This item was referred to me by Andrea Green


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