Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bench Salon Philippines Review

Congress in Cuba: twister for correspondents

For Iroel Sánchez
Desfile popular en La Habana, Cuba
Young Cuban popular parade in Havana, Cuba, by 50 years of Playa Girón Photo: Odette Fernandez

It is interesting how what some say on other occasions serves to identify their own obsessions. After been wrong policy decreeing death of Fidel in January 2007, the English daily El Pais for your readers need to manipulate the content of everything that says the former Cuban president, and thus continue to steal the essence of what happens in Cuba.

perhaps that's why, for the correspondent in Havana from Madrid daily, the reflection in which the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution says following the Sixth Party Congress, "the new generation is called to rectify and change without hesitation all that must be corrected and changed, and continue to demonstrate that socialism is also the art of the impossible: to construct and carry out the revolution of the humble, the meek and humble, and defend it for half a century of the most formidable power that ever existed "is" almost a tongue twister . "

It's the same attitude as his colleague English newspaper El Mundo for Cubans who came to the crowded and emotional April 16 parade in Revolution Square called for rum and beer, under the blackmail of losing their jobs. According to the reporter, for Havana The match between Barcelona and Real Madrid of more interest to the Congress of the Communist Party because it "will not be anything to give you a tip to their lives."

If the rollover correspondent who craves World is a neoliberal package that implemented the "socialist" government in Spain, you're right Cuban President report to Congress undertook to emphasize that "in Cuba, under socialism, there will never be room for the ¸ ¨ in shock therapy against the most needy and who are traditionally supporters of the Revolution more firmly. " He was also the people of the Island with their massive participation changed substantially - more than three million procedures- the Guidelines that will define the future of the country as part of a broadly democratic process that culminated in The meeting this week.

English media had also expressed their interests towards the process, but according to the president Raul Castro, only 45 of interventions - from over three million recorded-raised the idea of \u200b\u200ballowing the accumulation of property despite in this regard concerns expressed El País.

Frustrated in the hope that will change in Cuba where they want their bosses and not to where they want the Cubans, it is understandable that the writers of the mass media are speaking tongue-tied what happens Alcohol on the island, economic blackmail and political apathy corroding the societies to which they write. Young people leaving bottle to the streets, low participation rates in elections and the recent demonstrations against precarious youth work could explain it, by the way, what those chanted in a massive protest on 7 April itself was "almost a tongue twister:" If this does not fix, war, war, war ... "

Fuera sueldazos, ayudas a parados, reclaman en Madrid. Foto: La voz de la calle.
Out Sueldazo, help the unemployed, claimed in Madrid April 7.
Photo: The voice of the street.

Taken The Sleepless Pupil


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