Friday, April 29, 2011

Does Brahmi Oil Work?

What NOT to expect from Magic Elementals States or Qualities

By: Donald Tyson

Everyone who enters the magic ritual usually have more or less the same goal, he or she wants to conquer the world. They may or may not admit even to themselves, but they are thinking, imagine, just imagine, if you ask to learn to throw balls of lightning from the tips of my fingers, and tear down mountains, move the Moon out of orbit? .

Magic, almost has a female personality. She is very seductive to the newcomer. She loves it and encouraged by promises power. She caresses the imagination under the belt of all its possibilities. Each time the boy wizard is about to get discouraged, she lifts her veil and show her smile. This is more than enough to keep those who have the innate talent to be interested in magic, even when they see their desire for world domination diluted slowly in the fog.

The magic is seductive but wrong. She gives more than it takes. As she gently push away the gun, she put flowers in place. Instead of dominating the world, the magician gradually learns to command his own thoughts and passions. Instead of making others see things their way, the magician begins to see things as they are. After a time to dominate the world remains a very cool idea. Too much work.

You should not expect to control others with magic. If it is true that with a properly executed ritual magic power you can attract to annoy other people and change their relationships with it as you wish. However, everyone has their own will. The will is like an iceberg, is just the tip above the surface of consciousness. If you push someone magically, he can press it back with much more force. It may not be aware of what you are doing. The people seem very weak mentally and emotionally can be very strong at an unconscious level.

There is another factor to consider, which I mention only for the intelligent reader, and this discourages not fools. When you manipulate others against their will, no matter what level you do, you are polluting their own soul and being much worse and repellent it actually needs to be, if on the other hand, you behave honorably you are acting in harmony with their true nature, and may even find happiness as a result. Pressuring others can give satisfaction, but happiness. Happiness has value, satisfaction does not.

for the novice as dazzling as the promise of personal power is unlimited welfare perspective. Many people have the idea that if you are trained in magic can be rich themselves - but may have to bueno_ unscrupulous writers extend their selling fantasy books that guarantee instant cash by magic, even if you have never done magic before. Magic is not the way to get easy money. This is an art that requires discipline and dedication. Many of the rewards are intangible. A great sense of wellbeing, increased self-confidence, a clearer appreciation of the beauty of life, better physical and mental magic _ these are things that will get everyone whose heart is open to it.

You can do money magic. Many people do, or using it to open a business for themselves and help them in their careers, or selling their magical abilities to others. But it is not easy to make money with magic as it would with any other honest and hard work. If there is a law eternal and unchanging in the universe, is there is no free lunch. Never. Nowhere. At the moment you think you're getting something for nothing, it's time to start slowing down and back.

Glamour feeds the magic all vices, and lust is the first in the list. The magic of love is as old as time itself. A line from the Eclogues of Virgil says, "while the clay hardens, and the wax melts in the same fire, and let it melt Daphne love for me and for others to harden "(Eclogue VIII, ll. 80-1). This magic is perfectly done, but is of questionable morality. Amaryllis What right had to say who should or should not love Daphne tying If she triumphed Daphne's love, does she really believed the truth would ever pleased and happy for their future years together? Would not it be more likely to end up hating her, even though he could not leave? But maybe she just thinks of herself, in the glory of conquest, pride of possession, and does not care if Daphne is happy or not, as long as the owner. No matter what your feelings, that could hardly be considered only love though often call it that.

You can use magic to find a lover, but this can be done in an intelligent or less intelligent. If you are looking for love, you invite him in a way that is harmonious with its natural essence. First, you may need a ritual to discover what their true nature. Few people see themselves clearly. They are often attracted to people who have qualities you admire but do not possess themselves. If you really have a person in mind, you should use art to transform themselves and their circumstances to make the other look for your company, instead of trying to attract would-be lover.

Following about other motivations for power, money and sex, the list is the famous magical seductions. Who would dare to say that has not fantasized about taking the magic wand and operate a marvel here, a miracle there, to get the applause of thousands Suppose you can save someone from a terminal cancer - not just anybody, somebody really important and valuable. Or suppose that could ignite the Olympic flame in the next Olympics muttering a word of power and a gesture. Imagine the publicity!

Sorry, but the magic does not work that way. You may have something to do with the fact that the magic depends on the belief, that magic transcends the laws of nature and thus is unpredictable, or that magic is directly related to awakening the higher self unconscious. If you can not be sure you have a moral code, at least we can confirm that if you have sense of humor. For whatever reason why any self-proclaimed "master of the occult" than advertising for a miracle, is doomed to fail.

I have a confession to make, I never levitated, walked on water, since life the dead, on fire with my mind, become a wolf, or guessed the winning lottery number. Perhaps that makes me less than a magician. In truth there are many people out there who claims to be able to perform these miracles. However, I have not seen them. Am I eager to say that such things are impossible Of course not, that statement would be a fiasco. But I have not done and I've never seen it.

On the other hand, I have done many things that most people would call unusual. I have communication with the spirits, for example, in a variety of ways. And it's not exactly that spirits are pro se that I have spoken with them and contacted a good number of them.

Also, I have become invisible. This may perhaps require a brief explanation. Be magically invisible does not mean that other people can not you see, means you will not notice. This is strange, but at the same time is a bizarre sense of freedom. Also, I left my body and looked over the - but just where was I when astral traveling, or wherever he was in any dimension of space that was that, it's all a matter of conjecture.

I'm not those people telling about themselves experiencing a gold what I do. This is difficult to be verified by the scientific method. However, the silence has been necessary if there was any chance of succeeding. The only way to be certain that a ritual is going to fail to inform in advance people who are not connected with it. In magic the silence is only a matter of discretion, is a practical necessity.

Source: Llewellyn page.

Translated by: Andrea Green, Green Witch


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