Friday, April 29, 2011

Does Your Cm Get Blood In It Before Af?

Calendar Magic Witchcraft, Beltane

fire Beltane, Bealtinne (Caledon), Festival Tana (Strega), Walpurgis (Teutonic )
Date: May 1 .
sacred Beltane is the celebration of marriage, whether between Goddess and God. It is the festival dedicated to the cult of fertility, which we planted flower seeds. Usual dance around bonfires or bat of May or even jump over the fire. In Christianity, the month of May is devoted to the Virgin Mary and is called the month of flowers. This ancient festival fertility and sexuality hails amazing capacity of nature to self-fertilize. Located at the beginning of May, when the world is full of sensual vitality, Beltane connects us with the flowering that is taking place everywhere around us.
Beltane is a day to appreciate our bodies and divine capacity for pleasure. The ancient festival of Beltane honored to sex in its creative aspect, as the bearer of joy and generator of new life. When we imagine our ancestors waving garlands of flowers around the "Maypole" (Maypole), which is at once both a phallic symbol as representing the great World Tree remember a time when sex was not a sin (when making love without guilt, openly, in the fields was a sacred act, as such it was believed, helped to obtain a larger harvest in autumn).
Beltane is the vindication of the body as something sacred. If possible, should celebrate Beltane in a forest or near a tree. If it is not possible, it is a good idea to bring a small tree in a pot in the circle. We must create a
said or remember about the wedding of the Goddess and God, that we hang from tree branches. These can be bags filled with flower petals, garlands, carvings or anything else that comes to mind.
start arranging the altar, and tracing the circle. Standing before the altar, with a raised hand, saying:
Mother Goddess, Queen of the Night and Earth,
God the Father, King of the Day and Forests,
celebrate their union as nature rejoices.
flares in spirited color and life accept my gift,
Mother Goddess, Father God,
In honor of their union. (
put the jewel in the tree).
of their union will be the new life, a profusion of living creatures will cover the fields and the winds will blow pure and sweet.
Elder Gods, I celebrate with you.
Beltane Some traditional practices are braided or woven, or other activities that show the union of two parties to form a third, since this is the spirit of Beltane.
Beltane meals may be all those that carry milk, barley, wheat or oats, or if you want something more sophisticated, vanilla ice cream.


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