Monday, April 25, 2011

Matlab 2007a Plp Generator

"Lie to me more ..." calandraca two of the blogger ...

degeneration "and" environmental bloguerita
By Raul Bracho
(Dedicated to my dearest "comentarystas)
Yoani conectada al WiFi
Jineteo your laptop from hotel to hotel by the reborn Socialist Cuba ...
Although Wikipedia generalized to this "generation" as he was born two decades between 70 to 80, firstborn of home computers, cell phones and Internet cafes, in Cuba there is a sort of confusion respect, Generation Y is self-defined, modeled on his own blog:

"Generation Y is a Blog inspired by people like me, with names that begin or contain an" i Greek. " Born in the Cuba of the 70s and 80s, marked by schools to the field, Russian cartoons, illegal emigration and frustration. So I invite especially Yanisleidi, Yoandri, Yusimi, Yuniesky and others who drag their "Greek i" for me to read and write to me. "

The unique "Y" to which this girl is not averse to that self-defined "I am" I am the bloguerita of the environment, and even charged in dollars or euros, Yo, I speak on behalf of an entire people "subdued and cowed by the regime," I and I and I always. Worth rereading his brainy some analysis, its own narrative of his generation who reek of soap opera Mexican, who long with tears that just and blue favors the U.S. empire, whose flag is the most bizarre award. Yoany not got away with it, is very useful, but in Cuba. If Cuba ever thought about the laptop, as the airline tiket to redo your life in a crib imperial, this move cost him his life, is now part of tourism, is like trying to move the Plaza of the Revolution. Autosentenciada to be the gardener of the five star hotels, Havana wanders with his laptop under his arm.
The girl's "GY" has received many dollars and euros as a reward, though. Ortega y Gasset Prize 2008, Digital Journalism Jury Award 2008, Best Weblog Awards, The Bobs, the Deutsche Welle German Top 25 Blogs TIME / CNN 2009,

Third Prize essay contest held in path of freedom

- Premio Príncipe Claus 2010

- Selected among the 60 heroes of freedom of expression by the International Press Institute (IPI) in Vienna, Austria

- iRed Award given by the American Congress of Social Networks. And many more. But his cyber pirueterismo sentenced her to stay inside the monster Fidel ... How to get it out? If that is that it's obvious evidence of what it denounces. Is trapped in their lentejitas embroidered on their laptops and letters should be blurred from time to mark ...

Philology (Latin Philologie and this φιλολογία Greek, "love or interest by") is the science that deals with the study written texts, through which he attempts to reconstruct as closely as possible, the original texts with the support of the culture that underlies them. The scholar is served, therefore, the study of language, literature and other written statements, as are the expression of a particular cultural community. Alternatively, philology can be a term used before the twentieth century to what is now understood as the language.

So something must thank the daughter of the "Y" to the Cuban revolution, since it will only leave their hard disks full of stories rose on the time of the Cuban revolution. Words travel blogs from the most recalcitrant imperialism, with the vain hope that Generation Y is becoming epidemic. Cuba is filled

full generation "C" Cuban and Cuban youth, she describes with such terror that "trampled on the streets" in trials prior to the congress of the PCC, that generation has given an emphatic change of direction to Granma, more revolution and more revolution. Was speechless our fylóloga with "Y"

This girl USA and its website, will continue their physiological needs and blogs Kaosenlared socialist, but yes, from afar, from the garden of the hotel, that of casting leg of neighborhood get inside ... noo! Communism is highly contagious, sir!


Newspaper El Pais report Yoani lie
By Ernesto Sánchez Pérez Castillo

A recent tweet Yoani Sanchez shook the world: "Do you know the NH hotel company that manages Central Park Hotel in Havana discriminates against national Internet access? ".

NH's reaction was swift: it was not just another trick of those who invented the blodeguera Therefore, in principle, the hotel chain does not operate any hotel in Havana, either in whole island of Cuba or anywhere else in the Cuban archipelago.

This was made public on your pages El Pais newspaper. That nonsense of the mercenary recalls by far the occurrence of less than a year ago when he accused the Cuban government to block his Twitter account. At that time she said in a telephone interview to Reuters: "We have been without a voice in the world of 140 characters" and insisted: "twitter should clarify whether the service has banned publication of tweets by sms or has been the government of Cuba has blocked us. "

That news also toured the world as a cat with its tail on fire, with a unique headline:" Yoani Sanchez claims that his Twitter account was blocked, and was repeated again and again until the deputy minister Cuban Informatics and Communications, José Luis Perdomo said: "Cuba is not blocking access for any citizen to send messages to online social networks like Twitter and Facebook and this is a calumny that has risen against our country." Soon

Twitter itself would give reason to Cuba, acknowledging that the government of the island had nothing to do with it, and assumed full responsibility for the temporary suspension of service for users Cubans.

What no one could see in any newspaper in the world, was a minimal correction of the Yoani, neither at the time of his lie on Twitter, or his lie about NH, ever, ever crossed his mind to recognize that what he said did not weigh even a drop of truth.

For another thing no one would expect, because it is wise to correct something that Yoani never understand.

funny thing is that when in his delirium blodeguera has lashed out against the powerful global real-world, has quickly turned the attacks he received from media, however, when with the same fury lies about Cuba, then he is rewarded, you applauds, and time is paid both by page.

In fact El Pais newspaper that now makes it clear that the attack against NH Yoani is just nonsense uninformed own improvisation of who says what you think best without consulting or collating data sources and ensure the maintenance of the whole truth and nothing but the truth is the same as giving him catapulted Ortega Award in 2008 and nothing Gasett Unless the Digital Journalism class. Taken

doing wrong


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