Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Joke Wedding Invitations

U.S. collateral appeal

On Monday 25 April, the prosecutor Caroline Heck Miller, on behalf of the U.S. government asked the federal court in Miami rejection the writ of habeas corpus filed on behalf of Gerardo Hernandez, accused without evidence to two life sentences plus 15 years in prison.

We ask what you fear the Miami attorney to deny a hearing to Gerardo, Hero of the Republic of Cuba to prevent terrorist acts against his people in prison for nearly 13 years in a maximum security prison, to whom has prevented a visit from his wife for more than a decade, who like his four brothers in arms, was repeatedly detained in solitary confinement without making up any discipline, and who is applying the basic right to hear their arguments and displayed the alleged evidence against him.

Gerardo has been denied everything, even the last chance for justice.

The writ of habeas corpus is based, among other technical matters of defense, two aspects that make up a new evidence:

1 - The concealment of truth U.S. government.

2 - The media campaign to condemn in advance of the Five.

Hide the truth to convict Gerardo Gerardo

had no responsibility whatsoever in the incident of the planes of February 24, 1996. This is well aware the U.S. government.

He knows so accurately that the government itself recognized the lack of evidence to support the charge. However he was sentenced to life imprisonment for an act he never committed.

The writ of habeas corpus requesting that the U.S. shows images of U.S. satellites.

The planes of the criminal organization Brothers to the Rescue, led by terrorist José Basulto, invaded Cuban airspace for 26 times.

The Cuban government has warned the highest U.S. authorities would not allow other airspace violations that endanger the lives of its people and the commercial aircraft carrying thousands of passengers to Cuba.

acting in legitimate defense of its sovereignty, as it would have any state of the world, responded to the violation of its airspace. But Gerardo had nothing to do with that fact.

If the shootdown had occurred in international waters, as stated by the U.S. government, why are concealing evidence of the satellites?

can not show them for one simple reason: Cuban radars show that the incident occurred within the maritime area of \u200b\u200bCuba. According to research ICAO radar images were destroyed or gave Americans contradictory information.

For 15 years the government which accuses Gerardo refuses to show the supposed proof of his accusation.

Gerardo, as collateral appeal asking something elemental: to display the evidence unfairly condemn him for that fact to their life sentences.

government Prevarication
Since 2006 several U.S. organizations have denounced the U.S. government paid journalists in Miami. More than a quarter of a million dollars were paid by the government-funded local journalists of Radio and TV Martí, two broadcasters from the U.S. government with the sole purpose to hide the truth and submit to the Five to the public as a dangerous "spy network" capable of destroying the U.S..

There are about 800 Internet sites that reflect the records of payments to journalists in Miami. They created

the case a true "perfect storm" to poison the biased media attention to the Miami community before and during the trial, as stated in August 2005, three judges of the Eleventh Circuit in Atlanta that asked why a new trial out of Miami and the reversal of convictions.

Until today the U.S. government refuses to show contracts for payments to journalists and explain why and what had to pay for up to 6 items daily appeared in the press, radio and TV in Miami, demonizing them, fomenting hatred toward Cuba and the Cuban Five. The Miami press, paid for by the government, harassed and even jurors came to film the trademarks of their cars. This was denounced by the judge during the trial.

"Justice will only come when rendered by a jury of millions," Gerardo-

We wonder from that place of righteousness, the same prosecutor who refused to prosecute the international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles for his crimes against humanity, today denied the last chance legal for a man wrongfully convicted of terrible and absurd sentence of two lives in prison. Technically

defense has two months to appeal this unjust decision in the courts of Miami. It will be Judge Joan Lenard, who must decide whether to accept the application of Gerard.

I went to Miami to end violence against my country, "said Gerardo in his affidavit.

Never lose hope in people who have the duty to administer justice, but the facts, over the years full of gross violations, we have shown strongly that the process against the Five is absolutely political and should gain in strength Reporting and solidarity international.

Since that international solidarity that we are part, called to denounce the decision evil which seeks to prevent the legitimate right to sue the President Gerardo and Obama to end this terrible injustice and free the Five now. That

May 5 and all 5 of each month to become a day of struggle and cry for freedom of the Five.

International Committee to Free the Cuban Five


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